Essential Information US History Westward Expansion
Immigrants During this period of time, many new immigrants were coming to the U.S. People who lived here already didn’t like it because the immigrants worked for less and took away jobs
Native Americans The land West of the Mississippi River was also being developed and the Indians were being pushed further West of killed. Indians were treated as trespassers on their own land. They were either killed or forced to move to reservations.
Homestead Act The Homestead Act have people land for free if they worked it for a certain number of years. There were wild land rushes to get the land.
Women’s Rights During this time women were starting to demand more equality under the law and the right to vote. The Declaration of Sentiments from the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 proclaimed that all men and women are created equal.
Reform Movements There was a new feeling in the U.S. towards reform. The work day was being shortened, public schools were being opened and there was a movement against alcohol (temperance).