Workplace Challenge Conference NGB Workshop Engaging Businesses in Sport
Agenda Format: 4 x presentations with time for questions from: Active Devon Baseball Softball UK British Canoeing Team Beds & Luton
Active Devon Scott Kendall
Workplace Challenge Offer Huge marketplace not being targeted Links with our partners Social sport – team building opportunities We were already doing it… just not in the same way! Branded/joined-up offer Catchy & memorable Adaptable – suitable for each region A way to integrate our programmes and target more people!
Our offer: Workplaces
To our partners…CSPs
Outdoor Centres…
Case studies…
The impact so far… Severn Trent – 2000+ #coffeebreakkayak #canoecarsington #canoedraycote Workplace – Club/Centre links CSP support – marketing & events Post-work Paddle Clubs!
Focus Areas for tB&L Public Health 6 weeks of coaching/competition programme One off Competitions Bespoke work with organisations Target Audience: 18+ A national programme from County Sports Partnership Network funded by Sport England which aims to engage workplaces in sport and physical activity. A research project targeting inactive participants. Aiming to build the evidence base in relation to the effectiveness of sport to improve health. CSPs may wish to describe what a CSP is and what CSPN is/ does. CSPN are responsible for the National Workplace Challenge project. Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport are project managing the programme on behalf of CSPN. The evaluation will be undertaken by the British Heart Foundation National Centre. The British Heart Foundation are supporting the delivery of Workplace Champion training and links to the sustainable development of workplace health through the BHF Health at Work programme. NGBs are supporting the programme with links to relevant programmes, activities, events and training. CSPs may also wish to describe their local role in the delivery and development of the programme.
What makes someone engage? Factors individuals take into consideration: Cost Timings Accessibility Equipment needed Who it’s aimed at (level) Able to go with colleagues/friends Something new Sedentary behaviour is an independent risk factor for overweight and obesity and other diseases in its own right separate to physical activity. This is because a person can participate in the recommended levels of weekly physical activity but still engage in high levels of sedentary behaviour. It is the4th leading risk factor for global mortality, accounting for 6% of deaths globally (WHO, 2010). For most time spent sitting at work represents the major source of sedentary behaviour in adults, but sedentary time is also accumulated through watching TV, reading, sitting whilst socialising and whilst using motorised transport. We spend a lot of our lives at work – up to 60% of our waking hours. Direct cost of physical inactivity to NHS £0.9 billion (Scarborough et al, 2011) Costs of lost productivity £5.5billion (Ossa and Hutton, 2002) Costs of premature death of people of working age £1 billion (Ossa and Hutton, 2002) Costs of absenteeism and long-term sick pay in 2012 Average rate of absence = 5.3 days per employee Average reported cost of sickness absence = £975 per employee Total cost of absence to UK economy = £14 billion (CBI, 2013)
What engages participants for the duration of the course? Team spirit Commitment for only 6 weeks Having something to aim for Not being measured individually Social aspect Environment Quality and enthusiasm of coach’s Feeling like they have progressed Log your levels of sport, physical activity and active travel online and compete with other workplaces at the same time. The more activity you do, the more points you get...and points make prizes! * - Competition Programme & Business Games optional – CSP’s can describe their local offer here. CSPs could give a demonstration of the software including how to add activity, leaderboards, the main functions, any local prizes on offer. The national Activity Log challenge will run for 8 weeks from January to March each year and CSPs can/ may organise local challenges at other times.
What factors make them want to continue? Having an exit route (GBI) Social/friends Enjoyment Sense of achievement Feeling fitter and healthier Cost Competition The Workplace Challenge is being evaluated nationally by the BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health at Loughborough University. The overall aims of the evaluation are; - To learn about how the workplace can be used to engage the inactive in sport and physical activity. - To assess the effectiveness of a workplace physical activity programme aimed at increasing participation in sport and physical activity in inactive employees.
What do we need to enable these programmes to run? Keep costs down NGB support Participants (Workplace Challenge website/contact organisations/promotion by NGB’s, clubs and social media) Venues Club buy in Enthusiastic coaches Linking follow on programmes and exit routes Range of sports Sustainability A key work strand for the project steering group is to identify opportunities for the sustainability of the CSPN Workplace Challenge beyond Sport England funding (July 2015). Activity for this work area includes; • A planning session to consider sponsorship and income opportunities. • Draft financial forward plan. • Programme developments; national sector and corporate platforms. We would also encourage CSPs to identify ways that the Workplace Challenge programme can generate income and become sustainable in their area. Ideas from participating CSPs include offering additional services at a cost to participating workplaces (e.g. health checks, surveys/ needs assessments) and organising inter workplace competitions or business games events with a charge to workplaces/ employees for participation.
Any Questions? Log your levels of sport, physical activity and active travel online and compete with other workplaces at the same time! The more activity you do, the more points you get... ...and points make prizes! CSPs could give a demonstration of the software including how to add activity, leaderboards, the main functions, any local prizes on offer. The national Activity Log challenge will run for 8 weeks from January to March each year and CSPs can/ may organise local challenges at other times.