The Stranger
Theater of the Absurd
Random Facts
100 200 300 400 500 The Stranger Meta- morphosis Sartre Theater of the Absurd Existentialism Random Facts 100 200 300 400 500
This is the main character’s name. 100 This is the main character’s name.
The main character’s biggest obstacle. 200 The main character’s biggest obstacle.
Static or dynamic? Explain. 300 Static or dynamic? Explain.
In the end, this dooms the main character. 400 In the end, this dooms the main character.
This is the thematic significance of the title. 500 This is the thematic significance of the title.
Gregor’s main concern at the beginning of the story. 100 Gregor’s main concern at the beginning of the story.
The cockroach represents this. 200 The cockroach represents this.
Gregor’s relationship with his family represents this. 300 Gregor’s relationship with his family represents this.
The most important theme is this. Include specific evidence. 400 The most important theme is this. Include specific evidence.
Grete’s metamorphosis represents this theme. Explain. 500 Grete’s metamorphosis represents this theme. Explain.
Sartre asserts this about existence. 100 Sartre asserts this about existence.
What is the source of the “anguish” Sartre speaks of? 200 What is the source of the “anguish” Sartre speaks of?
According to Sartre Existentialism is optimistic. Explain. 300 According to Sartre Existentialism is optimistic. Explain.
How is man “condemned” to freedom? 400 How is man “condemned” to freedom?
500 Describe quietism.
What puts the “absurd” into Theater of the Absurd? 100 What puts the “absurd” into Theater of the Absurd?
Name three attributes of Theater of the Absurd. 200 Name three attributes of Theater of the Absurd.
Theater of the Absurd feels like this about words and communication. 300 Theater of the Absurd feels like this about words and communication.
What might symbolize the point of absurd theater? 400 What might symbolize the point of absurd theater?
500 What are three important existentialist ideas in present in Theater of the Absurd?
The main question behind Existentialism is…? 100 The main question behind Existentialism is…?
According to Existentialism, your life is determined by this… 200 According to Existentialism, your life is determined by this…
300 Name three historical or social influences that gave rise to existentialist thought.
Was Hamlet an existentialist? 400 Was Hamlet an existentialist? Explain.
500 Discuss the difference between Black existentialist thought and European existentialist thought.
100 Who wrote “No Exit”?
What was Franz Kafka’s nationality? 200 What was Franz Kafka’s nationality?
Meursault’s girlfriend’s name. 300 Meursault’s girlfriend’s name.
400 According to existentialism, the universe is essentially ______________.
500 Describe Sartre’s idea of “abandonment” as an essential part of human experience.
Final Jeopardy
Write an existentialist haiku in two minutes! Go!
Final Jeopardy
Medieval Fashion
FINAL JEOPARDY Men’s status was determined by the length of these articles of clothing.