DT YR 8 LEARNER STAGES DT YR 8 LEARNER STAGES DT YR 8 LEARNER STAGES YEAR 8 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY—ASSESSMENT 1—DESIGNING DT YR 8 LEARNER STAGES YEAR 8 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY—ASSESSMENT 2- Exploring the task, generation of ideas and modelling DT YR 8 LEARNER STAGES YEAR 8 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY—ASSESSMENT 3- Practical Skills Learner Goals Exceptional Mastery (E7) Images have been used as inspiration to create unique ideas for the light The top and the base work together to create a unique and clever design Advancing Mastery (A7) Images have been cleverly manipulated to work as ideas for the light The top and base match and the shape of the top section has been cleverly designed Mastery (S7) Secure Images have been simply manipulated to work as ideas for the light The top and base match and the shape of the top section has been considered carefully. Developing Mastery (D7) Research is used but the ideas are direct copies. The theme of the top matches the theme of the base. Foundation Mastery (F7) There is no evidence of research leading to the ideas. The top does not appear to match the base Learner Goals Exceptional Mastery (E7) MODELLING THE CHOSEN IDEA As below plus a design that considers the function/requirements/constraints of the top section MODIFICATIONS /IMPROVEMENTS As below plus the function/requirements/constraints of the top section have also been addressed. Consideration how it will be made should be evident Advancing Mastery (A7) As below plus ideas are cleverly designed and illustrate an understanding of laser cutting Evaluation of models illustrates a full understanding of how the idea needs to be modified Suggestions have been carefully considered and modifications are creative. Mastery (S7) Secure As below plus layering and consideration of design constraints Evaluation of models illustrates a clear understanding of how the idea needs to be modified. Suggestions have been considered and modifications have led to an improved design Developing Mastery (D7) The chosen idea has been successfully modelled using manipulated images/card/paper Evaluation of models illustrates some understanding of how the idea needs to be modified. Some suggestions taken on board and some modifications made. Foundation Mastery (F7) The chosen idea has been modelled using direct images from the internet Evaluation of models illustrates little awareness of opportunity to improve the idea. Suggestions not taken on board and modifications are limited Learner Goals Exceptional Mastery (E7) High level of making/modelling/finishing skills and accuracy Selected and used appropriate tools, materials Worked independently to produce a rigorous and demanding outcome Quality controls are evident throughout the project and it is clear how accuracy has been achieved. Advancing Mastery (A7) Final outcome shows very good level of making/modelling/finishing skills Outcome demonstrates a high level of demand Quality control checks applied in the manufacture of the product Mastery (S7) Secure Final outcome shows good level of making/modelling/finishing skills Used appropriate materials, components, equipment Parts of outcome show high levels of demand Applied quality control checks broadly but superficially Developing Mastery (D7) Final outcome is largely complete and represents a basic level of making/modelling/finishing skills Used materials, components and equipment correctly and safely Some aspects of outcome are demanding Some evidence of limited quality control applied throughout the process Foundation Mastery (F7) Final outcome is incomplete or represents an undemanding level of making/modelling/finishing skills Used materials, components and equipment safely under close supervision Worked with some assistance to produce outcome of limited demand There is limited evidence of any quality control and levels of accuracy are minimal