A family of Smart-Galley Smart-Galley by A family of Smart-Galley Principle: 1 immutable basis + technical kit + equipment kit Logotype — 00/00/2015 FOOTER CAN BE PERSONALIZED AS FOLLOW: INSERT / HEADER AND FOOTER
Smart-Galley family A; A+H; K 01 Smart-Galley family A; A+H; K H A A RH side Smart-Galley A or A+H FWD K LH side Smart-Galley K FOOTER CAN BE PERSONALIZED AS FOLLOW: INSERT / HEADER AND FOOTER — 00/00/2015 Logotype
02 Smart-Galley Principle = 1 immutable basis + Mechanical Kits + Equipment Kits Mechanical Kits Equipment Kits Immutable BASIS Smart-Galley A FOOTER CAN BE PERSONALIZED AS FOLLOW: INSERT / HEADER AND FOOTER — 00/00/2015 Logotype
03 High configuration Low configuration Immutable BASIS Smart-Galley A FOOTER CAN BE PERSONALIZED AS FOLLOW: INSERT / HEADER AND FOOTER — 00/00/2015 Logotype
Configuration possibility 04 Configuration possibility Smart-Galley K High configuration Smart-Galley H High configuration Low configuration Low configuration FOOTER CAN BE PERSONALIZED AS FOLLOW: INSERT / HEADER AND FOOTER — 00/00/2015 Logotype
05 Mains Avantages / benefits Same structure for all configuration (for each type of Smart-galley) Compatible with Armonia Design Easy to reconfigurate in linefit and retrofit Reconfiguration possible without removing the galley outside of A/C (egg for Smart-galley H, low reconfiguration 2->1 approximatively 0.5ManHour More catering for less space (2’’) FOOTER CAN BE PERSONALIZED AS FOLLOW: INSERT / HEADER AND FOOTER — 00/00/2015 Logotype
© ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the written consent of ATR. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied. ATR, its logo, the distinctive ATR aircraft profiles and patented information relating to the ATR aircraft are the exclusive property of ATR and are subject to copyright. This document and all information contained herein are the sole property of ATR. No intellectual property right is granted through, or induced by, the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer or a representation. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith. 12/31/2018