The Internet is for Everyone Workings of the internet & Net neutrality
When you enter a web address in a browser and hit enter, what happens When you enter a web address in a browser and hit enter, what happens? What are the steps to make the page appear? What do we know What do we want Already? to know about the internet? video link available by clicking on the image.
So far we know… We have created protocols using binary, shapes and text The internet is much bigger than two people sharing a single wire What could be technical issues with lots of machines trying to communicate at the same time? Social? So far in this class we have solved a few problems by creating and using protocols – rules for communicating with each other. But what could be some issues with billions of machines (people) trying to connect with each other at the same time, all the time? What could some social or ethical implications may occur from everyone being connected?
The Internet is for Everyone Internet - A group of computers and servers that are connected to each other Vint Cerf – Memo to the IETF IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force Mostly volunteer group that develops and promotes voluntary internet standards and protocols – TCP / IP (Internet Protocol suite) We read the memo and looked at its predictions and read the challenges presented to the internet society.
Vin Cerf Memo With a partner, skim the memo and then look at the 9 “Internet is for everyone, but it won’t be if…” Choose one or two of the challenges that are the most meaningful to you – relate to some experience you have had in your life We will share what it means and why it is meaningful