(on behalf of Anna Valros)


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Presentation transcript:

(on behalf of Anna Valros) FareWellDock Ending tail docking and tail biting in the EU - Hazard characterization and exposure assessment of a major pig welfare problem Sandra Edwards (on behalf of Anna Valros) www.anihwa.eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 291815

Partners University of Helsinki , Finland: Anna Valros (Co-ordinator) Aarhus University, DK INRA, FR Newcastle University, UK NMBU, NO SLU, SE SRUC, UK USDA, USA Wageningen UR, NL

Goals Estimate the relative harms associated with tail docking and tail biting Evaluate the efficacy of preventive measures against tail biting which could reliably reduce the need for tail docking lack of enrichment, poor general health of pigs, early detection Supply necessary information for quantitative risk assessment and stimulate the development towards a non-docking policy in the EU

WP 1: Short- and long-term effects on welfare (including nociception and pain) of tail docking and tail biting Evaluation of acute and chronic pain of tail docking in piglets Developing a pain grimace scale for pigs The effect of NSAIDs in relieving the pain caused by tail docking Evaluation of effects on human-animal interactions of tail docking in piglets Evaluation of chronic pain caused by tail damage in growing pigs

WP 2: Tail biting and enrichment How much manipulable material is enough? Developing an on-farm screening method for proper use of manipulable material The use of AMI (animal-material interaction) sensors to estimate the usage of manipulable materials Feasability of straw use: straw amount and length, slat characteristics and manure management on-farm Interactive effects of straw use and tail docking on tail biting occurence

WP 3: Identification of individual and group characteristics predisposing pigs to tail biting Interaction between reduced health and tail biting Tear staining as a measure of welfare related to tail biting Behavioural characteristics related to tail biting on individual and pen level Developing an optical flow system for predicting tail biting

Communication Information about how end users can reduce tail biting : Project web-page: www.farewelldock.eu Updates of research and related activities Factsheets by the end of the project period