Names Art
What is Graffiti?
Practice Drawing Letters Divide your paper into four sections Top Left- Follow Along With How-To-Video Top Right- Write the name you will use Bottom Left- divide into four sections- practice drawing some of your letters Bottom Right- Draw Your Name and Then Color It Write the Name You Are Going to Use Draw Jack W/ Video Names Practice Drawing Letters From Your Name Draw Your Name and Color It
Using final paper, get from Mr Using final paper, get from Mr. Burns, draw your name in a Graffiti style. To finish it, you should color it using two media. Choose two: Pencil, Marker, Blue Ink Pen, Black Ink Pen, Color Pencil, or Collage. 6th Grade
You Have a Choice Cardboard Sculpture (Click for Instructions) Using the Letters of Your Name Or Re-Draw your Graffiti Name, no larger than 6"x9" and color it using two media. Choose two: Pencil, Marker, Blue Ink Pen, Black Ink Pen, Color Pencil, or Collage.
8th Grade You Have a Choice of How to Finish It Stencil Your Name: Or Simply color it using two media. Choose two: Pencil, Marker, Blue Ink Pen, Black Ink Pen, Color Pencil, or Collage. 8th Grade
Name Grade 100 Points Possible 30- Effort 10- Finished in Appropriate Time Frame 20- Behavior and Participation 30- Craftsmanship 10- Technique 10- Following Directions 10- Grade Level Ability Displayed 20- Brainstorming Activity 10- Completed Correctly 10- Used to Complete Assignment 20- Organization 10- Name On and Grade On Project 10- Supplies Used Correctly Name