Thomas Nilsson, CERN EP/IS ISOLDE scientific co-ordinator’s report INTC September 29 2003 Thomas Nilsson, CERN EP/IS 2003 operation and schedule
2003 operation status GPS only operation “Normal” efficiency (~ 190 RIB shifts so far) Last 1.5 months – full push-pull mode with HRS Delays in 3.1 MeV/u REX upgrade 9-gap resonator in place 202 MHz power amplifier delayed First campaign of MINIBALL experiments performed at 2.2 MeV/u (n-rich Mg, Zn) Possible runs at 3.1 MeV/u in late October-November? (9,11Li, 70Se) Separator training w. 49-50 4 courses – max 24 participants