First year Annual progress review
The report Look at example of someone else’s Report Layout: Summary Literature Review Project outline Methodology Work completed to date Future Work The report Look at example of someone else’s Report Layout: Send to supervisors in advance to read through Give plenty of time for them to look over it Arrange meeting with assessors well in advance Offer to print report for them, don’t just email it
Presentation Included slides on: 10-15 minutes Included slides on: About me, Rationale for study, Aims and objectives, Progress to date, Future Work Presentation, followed by questions/discussion Practice run with supervisors Practice, practice, practice!
My experience Tips: Made notes in my own copy of report and took it along with me to write comments on Have some questions prepared to ask them What happened: Helpful, friendly, informal Weren’t trying to catch me out, genuinely interested in my project Asked about supervisory team as well as project Gave me help with literature Identified some training needs