UKCRC Translational Infection Research Initiative
UKCRC Translational Infection Research Initiative UKCRC Partners agreed to develop a coordinated approach to improving research into microbiology and infectious diseases in the UK: strategic planning group composed of the major funding organisations in the field established to identify and implement actions to achieve this aim. Planning group mapping the research activities and priorities of the main funders of microbiology and infectious disease research in the UK, examined findings from recent major reviews in the area, consulted key professional organisations in the field, and reviewed other sources of evidence, including the results of the UKCRC Health Research Analysis. Review indicated need to: Boost capacity for translational research and for applied research in the clinical and public health contexts. Develop research leadership. Encourage collaboration, communication and training and to help with strengthening research activity across this field. Jointly funded Initiative set up to provide a direct boost to research capacity and infrastructure and establish new career development and training programmes. Contributing partners were: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Medical Research Council (MRC), National Institute for Health Research/Department of Health (NIHR/DH), Northern Ireland R&D Office for the Health and Personal Social Services (NI R&D HPSS), Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive Health Directorate (CSO), Wales Office of Research and Development for Health and Social Care - Welsh Assembly Government (WORD), Wellcome Trust Consortia will be established to create new collaborative groups focused on high quality research. Strategy Development Grants. The field is currently in a fragmented state, so some parts of the research community will have the potential to meet Consortia requirements but will be unable to launch and maintain a Consortium without preparation. To overcome this challenge, the initiative is adopting a “strategy building” process: SDGs will be awarded to help develop selected promising proposals. This part of the initiative will allow the community to develop the strong research strategies and partnerships needed to compete for further funding. The initiative is organised as a call with two funding rounds, 18 months apart. First round (June 2007): Applicants applied for Consortium funding or a Strategy Development Grant. Second round - Consortia only. Gives grant holders from the first round the opportunity to apply for full Consortium funding. Deadline for receipt of full Consortium Grant proposals is 10 June 2008, and notification of the outcome of the first round will be in late June 2008. A second round of Consortia will be launched in January 2009, with a closing date of 25 March 2009. It is expected that funds will be allocated to support up to two first round Consortia, 2 to 3 second round Consortia and up to 6 Strategy Development Grants. Further information: If you are interested in applying for a grant, please go to the Medical Research Council website: For more information on the translational infection research initiative, please see the UKCRC website: To download a copy of the Strategic Planning Group’s report, please go to: Or contact the UKCRC secretariat at, phone +44 (0)20 7670 5452.