WISCONSIN BOARD OF MASONIC SERVICE & ASSISTANCE “To contribute to the relief of poor, distressed, worthy Brother Master Masons, their widows and orphans.” 12/31/2018
FUNDAMENTALY Speaking… The Board of Masonic Service & Assistance- Was founded over 168 years ago* Operates under the auspices of and in conjunction with the Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities Board 12/31/2018
Operates within the parameters of chapter 63 sections 63. 01 thru 63 Operates within the parameters of chapter 63 sections 63.01 thru 63.04 of the Masonic Code of Wisconsin Offers varying degrees and types of assistance to members of the craft & their families in times of tribulation 12/31/2018
Service & Assistance Board make up… Eight members including: Grand Master* Grand Secretary SGD & JGD- (Liaison) (4) Appointed individuals (staggered terms) 12/31/2018
What Service & Assistance DOES NOT Do… Finance business ventures Loan money Assist individuals outside the jurisdiction of Wisconsin* Aid in the purchase of certain specific non-essential items* 12/31/2018
Beginning the process for consideration…. Initial request is made to the individual’s home Lodge by direct contact with the WM through the D.D., A.A. etc. or directly from applicant Request taken up by the Lodge Charity Committee* “Masonic relief is the primary obligation of each constituent lodge” chapter 63 section 63.01 WMC (If request is deemed worthy, some form of assistance is strongly encouraged from the Lodge prior to consideration by S&A) 12/31/2018
The Service & Assistance Board’s Responsibilities… To contact the WM or principal officer of applicant’s Lodge- PRIMARY QUESTION: Has the Lodge made any attempt to assist this individual? WM/Principal Lodge Officer then supplies applicant’s contact information to board president for initial processing 12/31/2018
The Service & Assistance Board’s Responsibilities… Applicant is contacted, parameters are explained & required paperwork needed for consideration is reviewed and forwarded to applicant for completion & return to board president Board members are contacted and deliberation on request begins with final disposition within 30 working days of receipt 12/31/2018
Individual Responsibilities… DD’s - AA’s Etc. Report requests for assistance directly to the WM of individual’s Lodge for consideration* Following a reasonable period of time, follow up to see if any action has been taken 12/31/2018
Individual Responsibilities… DO NOT Profess to offer a positive outcome DO NOT Offer opinions/answers to questions unless you are certain you know what you are talking about 12/31/2018
WM & Principal Lodge Officer Responsibilities… Convene a meeting of your Lodge Charity Committee immediately upon receipt of a request and if need is genuine, take action to provide some form of short term assistance Contact S&A board president to provide applicants contact information 12/31/2018
WM’S & Principal Officers… DO NOT Profess to offer a positive outcome DO NOT Offer opinions/answers to questions unless you are certain you know what you are talking about DO NOT Allow a request to languish “in committee” And Finally & Most Importantly… 12/31/2018
Privacy and Respect Are the Issues For All Concerned… Please DO NOT Discuss any Brother’s need, personal situation or request outcome with anyone other than the Brother requesting assistance, his Lodge’s WM, the Lodge Charity Committee or a S&A Board member. 12/31/2018
Questions? Thanks for your kind attention! 12/31/2018
Criteria For Consideration…. When deliberation/action within the Lodge is completed the Service & Assistance Board president is contacted for follow up with applicant 12/31/2018