SB 2.0 Day 3 05.22.06
“More important, however, is what I learned about myself” Illustration I “More important, however, is what I learned about myself”
Top-Down Curriculum Development runners-up for experimental contexts who ordered that? light my wire lucifer-yeast cut it out yeast identity crisis language of biological systems (device details) PR interpretive dance
Bottom-Up Curriculum Development standards noise logic functions grammar of genetic composition device characterization transfer curves physical assembly functional composition mutation/evolution circuit design coordinating cell behavior predictable manipulation digital vs analog measurement: cell vs bulk measurement: PoPS abstraction decoupling Bottom-Up Curriculum Development
Standards Students register, identify parts, specify a protein generator Assembly: physical not functional, cloning vs direct synthesis Specify new part
Citizenship “Utter the words ‘synthetic biology,’ and no tangible consumer products come to mind. Rather the words ‘synthetic biology’ evoke images of mad scientists mixing liquids with arcane names for purposes that can hardly be elucidated to fellow mad scientists, much less laymen.” --Cokie Hu, MIT ‘08
Illustration II “Break something”
“What we learn to do we learn by doing”