Community Tour: Professional Development Introduce yourself and what you will talk about. McKenzie 7-12 High School
Helping understand the obstacles that students face behind the scenes Describe what you will present – in a word, a photo, a question, or a short phrase. What will the audience take away from your presentation?
We only see what they want us to see. What was the issue that your activity/event was trying to address? Use a photo, a key data point or some information. We only see what they want us to see.
Getting behind the scenes: Safely and ethically. Approach administration. Show that you care. Community members. Give some key details: describe who, what, where, when, why, how. Have each of these be a separate slide as necessary – simply duplicate this slide as necessary!
Community Guided Bus Route Tour Your photos should speak for themselves – only use a header or additional words if necessary. Use one image per slide. Use to find images – just be sure to credit the source. Community Guided Bus Route Tour Source name or link
Provide some data with measurable objectives outcomes.
Students need us to see them and beyond. Summarize what you just presented – remind the audience of the main takeaway or key point. This could be a word, a photo, or the answer to the original question you posed.