Supervisor role and responsibilities DN Regional Event Workshop 3 Supervisor role and responsibilities In this workshop session we are going to look at the role of the supervisor and explore what a discussion meeting might involve.
Discussion consider the supervisor role… what might this look like, what are the key responsibilities and what might it involve? To support learning and to foster a more positive experience we are recommending that a supervisor is identified for everyone undertaking the learning. 5 mins Take a moment and consider the supervisor role, what might this look like, what are the key responsibilities and what might it involve? Then review next slide with key aspects of the role and highlight any gaps etc..
Facilitating and supporting learning Role of the supervisor: to provide tailored support and guidance regular contact/meetings e.g. initial meeting, review meeting and completion meeting to facilitate constructive feedback and reflective discussion to confirm that the learning outcomes have been achieved One of the key aspects of the supervisor role is to provide support and guidance. This will be done via regular discussion meetings. The frequency of the meetings is flexible, some examples of meeting frequencies might be after completing the self-assessment to review identified learning priority areas and agree an action plan, or after completing a section or pillar and then at the end to agree completion. The supervisor where possible should be an experienced DN but does not have to be and it is the responsibility of the learner to select a supervisor. Ideally this would be done in conjunction with the team leader/manager and agreed before they undertake their learning.
Discussion meeting overview The discussion is about: sharing experiences and information identifying strengths and areas for improvement getting another person’s perspective thinking about development and action planning for the future gaining a greater understanding of the refocused role Some questions to help structure the discussion: What did you learn? What effect did this have on you? How might your practice change as a result ? Read through slide
Initial meeting overview Supervisee led Establish ways of working Agree dates/timescale for review Action planning element Outcome focused Reflective Documentation – record of support and supervision At the first meeting it is important to establish how you plan to work together and agree dates and timescale for future meetings. The meeting should focus on reviewing and agreeing the priority learning areas and setting achievable learning objectives for an agreed time scale. The action planning template may be useful to help support the discussion and to record agreed learning – there should be a copy of this on the table. The meetings should be driven by the supervisee and how often you meet will be determined by their learning needs. Subsequent meetings will review progress against agreed outcomes, update action plan and agree any further outcomes. All meetings should be documented and will form part of the practitioners portfolio of evidence. The record of support and supervision might be helpful for this
Discussion meeting topics priority learning needs and planned actions to meet them areas of strength, challenges and concerns evidence to demonstrate meeting the learning outcomes of the resource how learning could be shared with team overall learning and experience of the resource future development and aspirations There is a range of different topics that may be explored at the support meetings and some examples are: Read through slide
Achieving the learning outcomes and resource completion As a supervisor you would support completion through the facilitation of a discussion meeting to review evidence and once you are comfortable with the outcome then the supervisee would complete the self-declaration to confirm completion.
Discussion What do you see as the the potential challenges and opportunities of the supervisor role for you and your team? 8 mins Discuss the potential challenges and opportunities of the supervisor role. e.g. development opportunity for supervisor, evidence for revalidation/PDP/appraisal, time for meeting, giving effective feedback…