Boldly Go At the right hand of the Father Enthroned in majesty Sits the perfect Son of man And Son of God
And the hands He lifts in prayer for me Still bear the marks of Calvary And through those hands The Father bids me, “come”
Before the throne and there bow low CHORUS: So I will boldly go Before the throne and there bow low And plead for mercy, grace, and peace On the merits of my great High Priest Yes, I will boldly go
Overwhelmed in adoration I’m reminded of the charge To go and make disciples Of all men
To speak of sin and wrath to come And the gracious work Of God’s own Son Who bore the sins Of all who’ll trust in Him
So I will boldly go into a world That does not know CHORUS: So I will boldly go into a world That does not know And declare a love that’s guaranteed To all who understand their need Yes, I will boldly go Gene Helsel. ©1995 Gene Helsel. ARR/UBP. ccli# 1953428