Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect definition As a verb form, the most common use of the past participle is to form what are known as the perfect tenses (they are called "perfect" because they refer to actions that have been or will be completed).
Future perfect In English, the perfect tenses are those formed by using a form of the auxiliary verb "to have" and following it with the past participle; in Spanish, they're formed by using: haber conjugated ("to have") + past participle. Just like in present progressive is estar + present participle.
Future Perfect It may come as no surprise that the verb is haber, which is translated as the auxiliary verb "to have." As an auxiliary verb, haber in Spanish and "to have" in English are used to form the perfect tenses. In English the future perfect tense means “will have” done.
Future Perfect - Haber Haber = to have (as an auxiliary) Is not used alone. It is a helping verb. Habré Habremos Habrás Habréis Habrá Habrán
Making future perfect haber (conjugated)+ past participle. Make the future perfect by haber (conjugated)+ past participle. I will have seen. Yo habré visto. You (s. fam.) will have won. Tú habrás ganado.