To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense.


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Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved  The conditional tense in Spanish expresses what you would do or what would happen under.
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In Descubre, nivel 1, you learned the preterite tense
The verb ir (to go) is irregular in the present tense
In order to talk about events in the past, Spanish uses two simple tenses: the preterite and the imperfect. In this lesson, you will learn how to form.
To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense.
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Point de départ The conditional expresses what you would do or what would happen under certain circumstances. The conditional of regular verbs is formed.
To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense.
To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense.
© by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.
In Descubre, nivel 1, you learned the preterite tense
#13- El Condicional (The Conditional Tense)
Es la una. It is one o’clock. Son las dos. It is two o’clock.
The conditional tense in Spanish expresses what you would do or what would happen under certain circumstances. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights.
El condicional You use the conditional in Spanish to express what a person would do or what a situation would be like. Me gustaría leer un libro sobrse.
© by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.
Both Spanish and English have past participles (participios pasados)
In Descubre, nivel 1, you learned the preterite tense
To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense.
The verb ir (to go) is irregular in the present tense
To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense.
Presentation transcript:

To express the idea of what would happen, use the conditional tense. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

The conditional tense (el condicional) uses the same endings for all –ar, –er, and –ir verbs. For regular verbs, the endings are added to the infinitive. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Note that all of the conditional endings carry a written accent mark. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Verbs with irregular future stems have the same irregular stem in the conditional. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Uses of the conditional The conditional is used to express what would occur under certain circumstances. En Venezuela, ¿qué lugar visitarías primero? In Venezuela, which place would you visit first? Iría primero a Caracas y después a la Isla Margarita. First I would go to Caracas and then to Isla Margarita. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

The conditional is also used to make polite requests. Me gustaría cobrar este cheque. ¿Podría firmar aquí, en el reverso? I would like to cash this check. Would you please sign here, on the back? © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cuando era pequeña, iba a la playa durante los veranos. The English would is often used to express the conditional, but it can also express what used to happen. To express habitual past actions, Spanish uses the imperfect, not the conditional. Cuando era pequeña, iba a la playa durante los veranos. When I was young, I would go to the beach in the summer. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

In subordinate clauses, the conditional is often used to express what would happen after another action took place. To express what will happen after another action takes place, the future tense is used instead. CONDITIONAL FUTURE Creía que hoy haría mucho viento. Creo que mañana hará mucho viento. I thought it would be very windy today. I think it will be very windy tomorrow. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

In Spanish, the conditional may be used to express conjecture or probability about a past condition or event. English expresses this sense with expressions such as wondered, must have been, and was probably. ¿Qué hora era cuando regresó? Serían las ocho. What time did he return? It must have been eight o’clock. ¿Cuánta gente había en la fiesta? Habría como diez personas. How many people were at the party? There must have been about ten people. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

The conditional is also used to report statements made in the future tense. Iremos a la fiesta. Dijeron que irían a la fiesta. We’ll go to the party. They said they’d go to the party. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.