Try to use this word correctly in your work in any subject this week! implicit (adjective) Suggested but not directly expressed or spoken. Synonyms implied unspoken hidden Sentences containing the adjective ‘implicit’ There was an implicit threat in the look he gave. We had an implicit agreement. Antonyms explicit stated specific
In an exam, you may be asked to comment on the implicit meaning… Even though we are not told explicitly, work out what this child is feeling. ‘He walked in with a tear stained face, frowning and trying to hide his face behind his sleeve.’ What is the implicit meaning?
Debate of the week… Should footballers earn such high wages? Amazing phrases you should try to use I believe that… I would argue that… Have you considered that…? It seems as if… In addition to that… However… We should also consider that… How would you feel if… If we start letting this happen…
Correct the celebrity tweet!
Correction The spelling should be honour! Think - it was our honour.