Optimist International Childhood Cancer Campaign (CCC) Providing the Care Finding the Cure 12/31/2018
Cancer Facts: Each year more than 12,000 children & teenagers will be diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is the No.1 disease killing children today. 12/31/2018
Now for the Good News The cancer death rate has dropped more dramatically for children than for any other group. More than 400,000 patient-years of life are being saved each year, using newly developed treatments for children with cancer. 12/31/2018
Where do Optimists Fit in? Established Childhood Cancer Campaign in 2001 with Optimist International Foundation providing start-up grant and a 10 year program commitment 12/31/2018
Mission Statement Optimist International shall be the leading force to rid the world of childhood cancer. 12/31/2018
Goals of the Childhood Cancer Campaign Provide Support to Cancer Patients Provide Support to Families & Caregivers Support Healthcare Providers Support Cancer Research 12/31/2018
What can you do to help? Participate in Club activities pertaining to childhood cancer Serve as Club CCC Chair and register with OI. Consider a personal gift to the CCC fund. 12/31/2018
Things your Club can do to help Provide help to local families that are dealing with Childhood Cancer. Support local Health Care Providers and Caregivers involved with pediatric oncology. Be a mentor to siblings of a childhood cancer patient. 12/31/2018
Get your District Involved Provide training to help Clubs & Zones formulate programs for CCC. 12/31/2018
District Involvement Appoint a District CCC Chair and register with Optimist International so that you can get the latest information on the Childhood Cancer Campaign. 12/31/2018
District Involvement Choose and support a District Cancer Project such as a cancer camp or large fundraiser and donate half the proceeds to Optimist International’s CCC fund. 12/31/2018
CCC Resources CCC Coin Banks The “New Normal” DVD and VHS tape “The “Reflections” Journal Brochures explaining about the CCC program 12/31/2018
CCC Coin Banks An easy fundraiser for Clubs! Simply purchase the bank from OI. We’ll send you all the materials you need. Place in local store and your Club keeps half the money. Send the other half to OI CCC fund. 12/31/2018
“Reflections” Journal This is a journal for cancer patients to write about their feelings during treatment. The journal features inspirational messages from celebrities. 12/31/2018
Brochures CCC brochures are available to educate and explain the Optimist Childhood Cancer Campaign. 12/31/2018
The “New Normal” DVD or VHS Tape A short video to give to parents whose child has just been diagnosed with cancer. 12/31/2018
Need additional Information? Contact us at (800) 500-8130 ext. 261 or ext. 235 E-mail us at ccc@optimist.org 12/31/2018