BASD Elementary Health Education Human Growth and Development HIV and AIDS Education 5th Grade
Melissa Woodard, Ed.D., Chief Academic Officer Lucie Bergeyova, K-12 Lead Teacher (HPE & FCS ) Mike Miltenberger, Elementary Health and P.E. teacher
State Requirements Instruction regarding the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and/or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) shall be given for primary, intermediate, middle school and high school education. The program of instruction shall include information about the nature of the disease, treatments and cures, the ways the disease is transmitted and how infection can be prevented. Programs shall stress abstinence as the only completely reliable means of preventing transmission, including abstinence from sexual activity, illegal drug use and other communicable activities.
State Requirements Continued A school district shall excuse a pupil from HIV/AIDS instruction when the instruction conflicts with the religious beliefs or principles of the pupil or parent and when excusal is requested in writing.
PA State Standards 10.1.6 A. Describe growth and development changes that occur between childhood and adolescence and identify factors that can influence these changes. 10.1.6 B Identify and describe the structure and function of the major body systems. Nervous Muscular Integumentary Urinary Endocrine Reproductive Immune
Growth and Development lessons Classes are split by gender Brief discussion about what they are going to see Watch the gender specific video, as they watch the students write down any questions they have I collect the questions and we go through them and talk about it If questions are not appropriate, I do not read them, if someone asks a question that is not appropriate I ask them to talk to someone at home if it is not something I can’t answer
HIV/AIDS Lesson We begin by discussing the immune system and how it works Common illnesses and prevention We define HIV and AIDS and the differences between them How it is contracted Blood to Blood contact Bodily fluids Sharing needles Myths about the disease Universal Precautions
5th Grade Videos HIV/AIDS Growth and Development https://www.pgschoolprogram HIV/AIDS http://player.discoveryeducatio 04894027-89e6-430e-9645- 5e620c1b0146
Dates of Growth and Dev Lessons 2018/2019 Growth and Development Schedule CES – 9/26/18 GES – 10/10/18 BES – 1/9/19 EES – 1/30/19 PFES – 2/13/19 NHUF – 4/3/19 WES – 4/10/19