<Enter Title of the Research Here> <Students> <Mentor and Co-Mentors’ Title, Name Lastname> <Faculty, Department or Center> Under Graduate Research Program, LAP Review of Literature Team Results <Provide a brief literature review, what is already known. Make sure to use important references.> <List and give detail of Project Team members> <Include here the actual outcomes of your project, Completed observations, Concluded future directions, Abstract <Put your project abstract here. Max. 250 words. Both in ENGLISH and TURKISH> Methods <How did you plan and progress? Include team members, work allocation if any, data-gathering procedures, development, tests, etc.> Conclusion Introduction <Brief conlusion of the project findings> <Brief introduction that should include: 1) the purpose or research question of your study 2) the significance of your study> References < List main References.> <free space for pictures /graphics> <free space for pictures /graphics> Acknowledgement < this section is optional>