школа №15 Василеостровского района г.Спб.,2008 HALLOWEEN школа №15 Василеостровского района г.Спб.,2008
What do we know about Halloween 1.Americans and British celebrate Halloween on October 31. 2.Halloween means: Holy → hallow-святой een → evening-вечер Halloween een Hallow
Символы и традиции Halloween (The symbols and customs of Halloween) Jack- o’-lantern in the window- фонарь Jack- O’ –lantern is to scare the ghosts. Испугать приведение 2. Pumpkin→тыква 3. Masks and special costumes
People want to look like skeletons and gosts. People go from house to house and say ”Trick or treat”. People give other people candles cookies fruit Or play tricks.