Living and Non-Living Things 1
Living and non-living things We are all surrounded by living and non-living things. Everything you can see around you is either living or non- living.
Eat Grow Move Living things Breathe Living things are able to: In order for something to be living it must be have 5 characteristics. Eat Breathe Living things are able to: Reproduce Grow Move
All animals and humans are living Living things – Animals and Humans All animals and humans are living Fish Boy Dogs Horse Girl Cat Panda Tiger
All plants and trees are living Living things – Plants and trees All plants and trees are living Flower Plant Flower Flower Tree Tree Plant Flower
Move Grow Eat Non-living things Breathe Non-living things DO NOT: Non-living things are not able to do these characteristics. Breathe Move Non-living things DO NOT: Reproduce Grow Eat
Non-living things Kettle Stones Shed Watering can Car Washing machine Boat Chair
Living and non-living things Can you tell which of these are living and which are non-living? Put them in the correct boxes. Living Non-living