Calvinism John Calvin – Second to Martin Luther, in terms of affecting church reformation. Born in France in 1509. Trained as a priest and lawyer. In 1536, published a book explaining how to organize and run a Protestant Church. Preached Predestination, the idea that God had long ago determined who would gain salvation.
Calvinism cont’d To Calvinists the world was divided into Saints and Sinners. In 1541, Protestants in Geneva, Switzerland asked Calvin to lead their community. A Theocracy, or government controlled by church leaders, was created.
Calvinism cont’d Calvinists stressed hard work, discipline, thrift, honesty and morality. Citizens could face fines for fighting, swearing or dancing.
Calvinism cont’d Some traveled to Geneva to see what Calvin had done. Calvinism began to spread all over Europe. Small battles started between Protestants (Lutherans and Calvinists) and Catholics.