Ancient China Ch. 2 (pp. 40 – 51) Key Concept 1.2 The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agriculture Societies Key Concept 1.3 The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies Essential Question: How did early Chinese rulers use religion to justify and strengthen their power?
Geography Agricultural societies developed independently in China as early as 8000 B.C.E. By ~2000 B.C.E., the Shang Dynasty developed along the banks of the Huang He (Yellow River) Loess “China’s Sorrow” Isolated
The Shang Period, 1766 - 1122 B.C.E. Shang ruled northern territory of China from 1766 - 1122 B.C.E. (largely decentralized) Ruled by a militaristic king & large bureaucratic staff Defended against nomadic (barbarians) invaders to north King was an intermediary b/t the people & gods Kings used divination (oracle bones) to determine the will of the gods Distant regions were governed by local leaders who pledged allegiance to king Cities were walled & built on grid system in accordance w/ cardinal directions (early feng shui) Capital city was Anyang
The Shang Period, 1766 - 1122 B.C.E. Developed system of writing by combining pictograms and phonetic symbols Resulted in hundreds of signs Basis of Chinese writing today Religion was largely based around ancestor worship Developed bronze metallurgy
The Zhou Period, 1027 – 480 B.C.E. 1027 B.C.E., Wu (leader of a dependent state) overthrew the last Shang king Established the Zhou Dynasty New theory about ruler stated that he had been chosen by god and would retain his backing as long as he ruled justly Known as the “Mandate of Heaven” If a ruler misbehaved, his right to rule could be withdrawn & a new ruler would come to power (dynastic cycle) Signs such as floods, earthquakes & rebellions were indications that the end was near for a dynasty Zhou kings marked a decline in divination & sacrifice
The Zhou Period, 1027 – 480 B.C.E. Family unit was most important structure in society Veneration of ancestors grew stronger Belief that society would run smoothly if people followed familial roles Filial piety Iron began to replace Bronze
The Zhou Period, 1027 – 480 B.C.E. 771 B.C.E., local rulers began to act independently & wage war w/ one another During this time of instability two cultural developments emerged with opposing ideologies regarding a citizen’s role in society
The Zhou Period, 1027 – 480 B.C.E. By 481 B.C.E., Zhou entered a 260 year period of extreme decentralization known as the “Warring States Period”