3.3 commercialisation of physical activity and sport Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport 3.3.1 The different types of sporting behaviour: sportsmanship, gamesmanship, and the reasons for, and consequences of, deviance at elite level 3.3.2 Interpretation and analysis of graphical representation of data associated with trends in ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
Key Words Sportsmanship – qualities of fairness, following the rules, being gracious in defeat or victory. Gamesmanship – bending the rules/laws of a sport without actually breaking them. Sledging – a term used in cricket when players try to gain an advantage by insulting the opposition Deviancy – doing something against the norms or values of society.
Action Sportsmanship Gamesmanship Against the rules Shaking hands and congratulating an opponent at the end of a tennis match even though you lost. Sledging in Cricket Diving in football Kicking the ball out of play if an opponent is injured Clapping an opponent in volleyball when they have made an error Helping an opponent off the floor when they have made an error
Why would National Governing Bodies (NGBs) try to encourage fair play and sportsmanship in their players? task
NGB’s try to encourage fair play and sportsmanship in their players to… Encourage players to behave in an appropriate manner on the field of play Provide good role models for grassroots players so they are more likely to copy good behaviour Put the sport in a good light Make the game more exciting as there are less stoppages Give a more accurate result - the best team wins Make the game safer Help maintain players health (side effects of drugs)
Think about to the individual and society Can you think of any problems/deviant behaviour which may arise in sport? Think about to the individual and society TASK
Deviance Violence Use of performance enhancing drugs Match fixing Racism Sexism
Gamesmanship and Rule Breaking task ‘You can not be Serious’ Research a specific example of gamesmanship or rule breaking in a sport of your choice. What was the deviant behaviour? Why did the sports performer carry out this behaviour? What the consequences were of their actions? Gamesmanship and Rule Breaking task
Reasons for, and consequences of deviance at an elite level. The external rewards on offer Fame and stardom Large sponsorship deals Place in higher team to increase wages If a player feels like a commodity rather than part of the team If a player feels under pressure to perform and feels unable to do so The player is under pressure to cheat as requested by their coach They believe they wont get caught They believe others are cheating so why shouldn’t they.
What other sanctions may be given to a player? Discuss in small groups and report back to the group your ideas of how NGBs use punishment to try and prevent deviant behaviour of players. What other sanctions may be given to a player? task
Practice Questions Which of the following is an example of sportsmanship? Kicking the ball out of the field of play to delay the throw in so your team have chance to get back in position Deliberately committing a foul so that the game stops to allow for a substitution Letting the referee know that you were the last person to touch the ball before it went out of bounds Clapping your opponent when they make a mistake. Give an example of gamesmanship in sport. Explain why National Governing Bodies such as the FA have fair play awards. Explain a possible consequence for an elite performer if caught taking performance enhancing drugs. Assess whether sportsmanship has a role in today’s sport and physical activity.
Data Analysis Draw a graph or chart to show the number of doping cases by sport. What factors do you think contribute to a sports person who is competing in the Olympics deciding to take performance enhancing drugs.
Data Analysis - 2 Draw a graph comparing the number of drug cases vs the number of drug cases reported. Using the data provided - evaluate whether drugs testing is an effective way to reduce cheating in sport.