Theme Map for Year 3: Summer 1 2018 Theme – In my shoes *Digital Literacy and ICT Use sequence, selection and repetition in programs *Developing skills in a range of athletic activities. Shape poems –writing shape poems about the places in our local area. *Reading a variety of adventure and mystery narratives. Creating characters and writing their own stories centred around this theme. *Further developing skills and confidence in swimming. Please encourage your child to read each day *Reading and responding to a range of articles about their local area. PE English ICT *Comparing and contrasting land use in the past and present day. *Light Learning that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light and notice that light is reflected from surfaces Learning that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object. Year 3 In my shoes Science History Geography Music PSHE *Learning composition work based on the BBC Ten Pieces concluding with a performance. *Learning the eight points of a compass and using these to locate objects. *Building on their knowledge of their local area and our city, *Investigating the human and physical features of their local area and how this affects its use. *Exploring the River Thames. *Understanding and being able to express feelings. *Learning how to cope with challenging feelings. Art and DT Solving a range of one and two-step problems involving number, shape and measure, Maths RE *Estimating and reading time with increasing accuracy, *Comparing the duration of events. *Learning how to use four figure grid references to locate objects. *Recalling and using multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8x table. *Pop up books – Investigate the structure of pop up books, designing and making our own. *Exploring and responding to Hinduism.