HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Að læra að kenna Hafþór Guðjónsson 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
Teacher Learning and Language: A Pragmatic Self-Study Doktorsverkefni Univeristy of BritishColumbia - ágúst 2002: Teacher Learning and Language: A Pragmatic Self-Study Hvernig lærir fólk að kenna? 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Kennaranám og talshættir Kennaranemi í eigin orðabók Talshættir fræðimanna Talshættir í skólum KÍ SKÓLI Móðurmálið ≈ talshættir sem hafa náð að festa rætur 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Tungumál – orð - talshættir Skiptir þetta máli? Er líklegt að orð og talshættir hafi áhrif á hugsun okkar? Er líklegt að orðabók kennarans hafi áhrif á starfshætti hans? Hugsaðu og ræddu málið við sessunaut þinn! 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Ég lærði að kenna kennurum á nýjan hátt með því að taka þátt í ýmsum námsathöfnum og tileinka mér orð og talshætti annarra og þjálfa mig í notkun þeirra…. (HG. Doktorsverkefni, bls. 289 – 290) 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Spurt er: Hvað merkir að læra að kenna? Hvað ert þú að meina þegar þú segist vera að læra að verða kennari? Hvað merkir sögnin að læra í þessu samhengi? Hugsið! Stingið saman nefjum! 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Nám í augum stúdenta við Open University Að læra er að… A …. auka þekkingu sína B …. muna og endurtaka C …. nota þekkingu Nám sem inntaka, geymsla og beiting þekkingar. D …. skilja E …. sjá hlutina í nýju ljósi F …. breytast sem persóna Nám sem merkingarleit Nám sem sköpun 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Að lesa texta Þetta eru kennaranemar. Þau eru að lesa sama texta. Er trúlegt að þau skynji textann á sama hátt? Hugsið málið! Ræðið saman! 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Hvað gerist þegar við lesum? The meaning of a text is not simply contained in the explicit words on the next page. Instead, the reader must create, or construct, meaning in response to the text, and the reader’s prior knowledge plays a central role in guiding and shaping interpretations and understandings of the text. (Roth & Anderson (1988), bls. 110) Maturana, H.R. & Varela, F.J. (1987). The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding. Boston, MA: Sambala. 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Rannsóknir gefa til kynna að fólk nálgist texta á ólíka vegu. Yfirborðsnálgun (táknin / textinn) Djúpnálgun (merkingin) 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Hvernig lest þú? Hvernig lærir þú? Hvað er nám í þínum huga? 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Hvernig lærir fólk að kenna? 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Kennaraskóli Application of theory model. Premises: * We know a great deal about how the human mind works. =>There is lot to learn for the student teacher (theories, principles, rules, tips, and so on) * Action flows from knowledge (that is accumlated in the brain) The task: Learn a lot of Theory and use it well in the classroom (“we will follow you with our checklists”) Critics: * Such a model bypasses the influences of people and settings. * Action is socially, culturally, and historically mediated: -> Once within the school diverse factors come into play and affect how you think and how you act. -> People: The school adviser, the students. -> The physical space: Things such as the blackboard, the arrangement of desks and chairs ... -> The social-cultural space: The curriculum, the students, the school adviser, views of teaching, ... * What should ST learn? How should they learn what they are expected to learn? -> Knowledge base: What do they need to know? (Critics: What does it mean to know?) -> Tasks of teaching: What should they be able to do? (a) Handle the routine (b) Handle uncertainties * What is good practice? Kennaranemi Skóli 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Fræðalíkanið Kennaraskóli Application of theory model. Premises: * We know a great deal about how the human mind works. =>There is lot to learn for the student teacher (theories, principles, rules, tips, and so on) * Action flows from knowledge (that is accumlated in the brain) The task: Learn a lot of Theory and use it well in the classroom (“we will follow you with our checklists”) Critics: * Such a model bypasses the influences of people and settings. * Action is socially, culturally, and historically mediated: -> Once within the school diverse factors come into play and affect how you think and how you act. -> People: The school adviser, the students. -> The physical space: Things such as the blackboard, the arrangement of desks and chairs ... -> The social-cultural space: The curriculum, the students, the school adviser, views of teaching, ... * What should ST learn? How should they learn what they are expected to learn? -> Knowledge base: What do they need to know? (Critics: What does it mean to know?) -> Tasks of teaching: What should they be able to do? (a) Handle the routine (b) Handle uncertainties * What is good practice? Kennaranemi = Fræði 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Það sem gerist mjög oft: Kennaraskóli ? ? Application of theory model. Premises: * We know a great deal about how the human mind works. =>There is lot to learn for the student teacher (theories, principles, rules, tips, and so on) * Action flows from knowledge (that is accumlated in the brain) The task: Learn a lot of Theory and use it well in the classroom (“we will follow you with our checklists”) Critics: * Such a model bypasses the influences of people and settings. * Action is socially, culturally, and historically mediated: -> Once within the school diverse factors come into play and affect how you think and how you act. -> People: The school adviser, the students. -> The physical space: Things such as the blackboard, the arrangement of desks and chairs ... -> The social-cultural space: The curriculum, the students, the school adviser, views of teaching, ... * What should ST learn? How should they learn what they are expected to learn? -> Knowledge base: What do they need to know? (Critics: What does it mean to know?) -> Tasks of teaching: What should they be able to do? (a) Handle the routine (b) Handle uncertainties * What is good practice? Kennaranemi = Fræði 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Kennaranám (2) (1) Application of theory model. Premises: * We know a great deal about how the human mind works. =>There is lot to learn for the student teacher (theories, principles, rules, tips, and so on) * Action flows from knowledge (that is accumlated in the brain) The task: Learn a lot of Theory and use it well in the classroom (“we will follow you with our checklists”) Critics: * Such a model bypasses the influences of people and settings. * Action is socially, culturally, and historically mediated: -> Once within the school diverse factors come into play and affect how you think and how you act. -> People: The school adviser, the students. -> The physical space: Things such as the blackboard, the arrangement of desks and chairs ... -> The social-cultural space: The curriculum, the students, the school adviser, views of teaching, ... * What should ST learn? How should they learn what they are expected to learn? -> Knowledge base: What do they need to know? (Critics: What does it mean to know?) -> Tasks of teaching: What should they be able to do? (a) Handle the routine (b) Handle uncertainties * What is good practice? = Fræði = fræði 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Ég heimsótti Önnu sem var í æfingakennslu í framhaldsskóla að læra að kenna efnafræði. Ég spurði: “Hvernig lærir Anna að kenna?” Anna HÍ This is a picture from my visit to Anna. Following the tradition she is in the front of the class, by the blakboard. The lesson is just about to begin. I am sitting in a backrow in the class. I am observing Anna. I am following her teaching. Being a faculty advisor it is my duty to report if Anna is doing a satisfactory job. Accordingly I take notes. Beside me is Jane. Jane is Anna´s school adviser. She is also oberserving Anna´s teaching. Afterwards, all three of us will sit down and talk. The subject of our talk will, of course, be Anna´s teaching. We are supposed to give her feedback. Note the question mark on my head. The question mark is meant to convey the message that I am thinking unusually hard. The reason that I am thinking unusually hard is the fact that I am not merely a teacher educator and supervisor. I have become a doctoral student - a researcher. I am inquiring into my own practice. I am wondering what is happening in this room. I am wondering what Anna is doing, what she is learning and what I am doing and what I am learning. I am a teacher-reseacher. This explains the question mark. Anna is going to teach chemistry in this class. The lesson has just started and Anna is saying: “We shall just calculate a problem”. This of course is my English translation. In Icelandic she said: “Við skulum bara reikna dæmi”. Translated to Norwegian it would sound something like: “Na skal vi ta et exempel”. Using the word “problem” Anna is referring to a problem in the chemistry textbook that is being used in this class. What you do not see from this picture is that Anna is facing a trouble. The trouble is that she is not carrying with her the lesson plan she had made at home the night before. When I came to the school that morning I realized that there was some trouble going on. Instead of just sitting with me and having a coffee before the teaching would start, Anna was working at a computer in a nearby room. Just before we went into the class, Anna explained to me, somewhat unhappy, that she had been trying to get her lesson plan out of the computer. She had sent herself an e-mail and attached to it a document containing her lesson plan for the the lesson that she was going to teach and that I was going to oversee. Unfortuneately, she could not get the thing through and was therefore without a lesson plan when walking into this class this morning. Plausibly, this may not be a pleasant situation for a student teacher, especially when she knows that both her teacher from the university and her school advisor will be watching her teaching. Somehow Anna would have to deal with this problem and I do suspect that she was thinking very hard how she should handle the situation while reading aloud the names of the students in the very first minutes of the class. Done with that, she said with a smile the sentence you see in the picture: “We shall just calculate a problem”. A moment later she added: “Let us take a look at problem 7.1”. I think all of you know perfectly well what is going on. Anna is going explain a textbook problem. She will go through a particular textbook problem and explain every step to the students in the hope that they will be able to deal with similar problems in the textbook. Doing things this way, she will be following the custom, teach chemistry in a way that she has seen done over and over again during her own years in aa secondary school. This gives her confidence. This helps her out of her trouble, makes it possible for her to smile and teach her lesson confidently even though she is without her lesson plans. Later that day and back home, Anna wrote in her diary: NEW TRANS 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Svo fór ég heim til að vinna úr gögnunum mínum … Sú vinna tók næstum tvö ár. ? Ég talaði við marga höfunda…. 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Upphaflega lifði ég þeirri trú að maður lærði að kenna með því að tileinka sér “Fræðin” og beita þeim síðan í skólastofunni. Nú fór ég að skilja að málið er ekki svona einfalt …. Í hvert skipti sem Anna gekk inn í skólastofuna til að kenna efnafræði upphófst flókið samspil … 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Lífssaga Viðhorf Venjur Orðabók Heimsóknin til Önnu í nýju ljósi Taflan Efnafræðibókin Nemendur móðurmálið er er bæði verkfæri og baggi “Uppröðun hlutanna” Skólamenningin staðbundnir talshættir, lífsform, hefðir Íslensk menning 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið öðlast þekkingu smíða þekkingu Sálfræðileg nálgun Sýn á nám Félagsleg nálgun Að læra að taka þátt í athöfnum með öðrum Samskipti Tungumál 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Kennaranám = starfshugmyndir kennaranemans Hugsmíðalíkanið Meðul: reynsla – athuganir – úrvinnsla - skrif – lestur – hlustun - ígrundun – samvinna - umræður – skoðanaskipti – orðaforði – tungutak – leiðsögn – forhugmyndir – dagbók – ferilmappa - starfskenning 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið
HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið Mín skoðun: ►Kennaranemi þarf að byggja upp og þróa eigin starfshugmyndir. Hann þarf að geta útskýrt fyrir sjálfum sér og öðrum hvernig hann vill starfa með nemendum. ►Kennaranemi á ekki að líta á sig sem “nema” heldur rannsakanda sem spyr: Hvernig vil ég að starfa sem kennari? 12/31/2018 HG. KHÍ. Grunnsk&kennarastarfið