KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Kentucky Energy Efficiency Step 1 Make the Commitment Toolkit 1d Become an ENERGY STAR® Partner Facilitator Orientation Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Welcome to the KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit. This toolkit is part of the KEEPS Training System, which provides a valuable package of tools, training, coaching and expertise that helps school districts establish and implement an effective Energy Management Program.
7-Step Energy Management Process Make the Commitment Assess Performance and Opportunities Set Performance Goals Create an Action Plan Implement the Action Plan Evaluate Progress Recognize Achievements The KEEPS Training System is based on the seven-step ENERGY STAR® Guidelines for Energy Management, which is a proven strategy to help organizations improve energy and financial performance. This strategy allows participants to take ownership of their Energy Management Program, which ensures energy and cost savings year after year and promotes a culture of responsible, environmental and community stewardship. 2
KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Toolkit 1d Become an ENERGY STAR® Partner Facilitator Orientation Toolkit 1D: Become an ENERGY STAR Partner, is one of four toolkits for Step 1 of the seven-step energy management process – Make the Commitment. The other toolkits for Step 1 are: Toolkit 1A: Develop an Energy Policy; Toolkit 1B: Establish an Energy Team; and Toolkit 1C: Develop a Communications Plan. The slides in this toolkit presentation are designed for the presentation facilitator. These slides provide an overview of information in the toolkit, instructions and supplemental materials to accompany the toolkit presentation. 3
ENERGY STAR Partner Overview Importance How to Join Portfolio Manager Recognition Opportunities Toolkit 1D: Become an ENERGY STAR Partner, provides an overview of the ENERGY STAR program, including program benefits and how to join. It also introduces Portfolio Manager, one of ENERGY STAR’s free tools, as well as how school buildings can earn the ENERGY STAR Label and how districts can participate in the ENERGY STAR Leaders Program. 4
ENERGY STAR Partner Prep and Instructions Audience Energy Team, District Energy Manager, Other District Stakeholders Set-up Review supplemental materials Time Prep: 30 to 60 minutes Presentation & Exercise: 45 to 60 minutes The district Energy Team, district Energy Manager and other district stakeholders are the intended audience for the Become an ENERGY STAR Partner toolkit. To prepare for the presentation in this toolkit, review the supplemental toolkit materials, which are available in the Toolkit Library section of the KEEPS website, Hand out the supplemental materials where appropriate during the presentation. Materials may also be distributed to attendees prior to the meeting so they have more time to review. Preparation should take 30 to 60 minutes. Schedule 45 to 60 minutes to give the presentation and review the materials. 5
ENERGY STAR Partner Toolkit Materials ENERGY STAR Partner Commitments Portfolio Manager Worksheet Handouts of presentation (optional) Computer and projector for presentation These are the materials needed for Toolkit 1D. Each participant should receive: The ENERGY STAR Partner Commitments sheet The Portfolio Manager Worksheet Handouts of the presentation (optional) The facilitator should also have: A computer and projector to show the presentation If a projector is not available, print copies of the presentation and review the slides together with meeting participants. 6
Resources Available for download from the KEEPS Toolkit Library Referenced materials for this toolkit are available for download from the Toolkit Library of the KEEPS website, This slide concludes the Facilitator Orientation for Toolkit 1D: Become an ENERGY STAR Partner. 7