Please ensure you have the correct course syllabus -this is Nutrition 2107-please see correct course syllabus on my website (under Nutrition 2107) and on moodle The online syllabus is the official version and may change from time to time-please check for updates.
Canada food guide and physical activity guidelines-please bring both of these items to lecture on 16 January
Artificial sweeteners including aspartame are believed to cause weight gain (a yet to be demonstrated biochemical mechanism would be ideal proof). Therefore, a given combination of diet drinks/foods and exercise may not lead to weight loss. Also aspartame is a problem in phenylketonuria – phenylketonuria results in build up of phenylalanine in the blood (phenylalanine is part of aspartame). Phenylalanine build up in the blood reduces intellectual capacity and cause other issues (neurological problems such as seizures and tremors, abnormally small head (microcephaly), behavioral, emotional and social problems in older children and adults, and significant health and developmental problems) That said a healthy diet and exercise are best for weight control; hence one can avoid artificial sweeteners in my view.
Lecture 2 9 January 2018 Overview of Nutrition
Overview of lecture 1) Introduction -sports nutrition in a nutshell 2) Nutrition and Nutrients defined 3) Nutrients classified 4) Science of nutrition 5) Next lectures- 11 January- IDATME and its regulation 16 January-Canada’s food guide and DRIs, food labels, six dietary principles, physical activity guidelines
SPORTS NUTRITION IN A NUTSHELL Choices of quantity and quality of nutrition have significant impact on athletic performance “A Proper Diet Can’t Make An Average Athlete Elite, But A Poor Diet Can Make An Elite Athlete Average”
Nutrition-defined-narrow science of what we eat and its impact on us through: ingestion digestion absorption transport metabolism excretion IDATME
Nutrition-defined-broad previous narrow definition plus psychology, economics, sociology, and culture of food and eating
Nutrients defined chemical substances obtained from food and used in the body to provide: -energy, structural materials and regulating agents to support growth, maintenance, repair of the body and athletic performance -possible disease prevention and reduction
Nutrients classified Energy yielding Non-energy yielding Non-nutrients
Energy yielding nutrients -all organic-carbon containing Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins 4/9/4 kcal/gm – remember calories are really kcal 17/37/17 kjoules/gm -energy for warmth, body maintenance (build new compounds/turnover), movement
Non-energy yielding nutrients -but can assist in deriving energy Vitamins-organic Minerals-inorganic-non-carbon containing Water-inorganic
In food, nutrients are also classified as: Essential or indispensable vs. non essential nutrients vs. conditionally essential Also have non-nutrients-helpful, neutral, or harmful Alcohols Phytochemicals Additives- e.g. food colouring Preservatives- e.g. nitrogen containing molecules that are anti-bacterial
Science of nutrition Separating fact from rumour via studies: Epidemiological (no intervention) -case-control, cross sectional, cohort Experimental (intervention) - animal, in vitro (eg cell culture), human
Figure 1.4: Examples of Research Designs. Fig. 1-4, p. 14
Science of nutrition -all investigations follow good scientific method: question hypothesis data interpret data conclude question (s)
Figure 1.3: The Scientific Method. Research scientists follow the scientific method. Note that most research generates new questions, not final answers. Thus the sequence begins anew, and research continues in a somewhat cyclical way. Fig. 1-3, p. 12
Summary of lecture 1)Introduction -sports nutrition in a nutshell 2) Nutrition and Nutrients defined 3) Nutrients classified 4) Science of nutrition 5) Next lecture- 11 January- IDATME, DRIs