Metric to English Conversions
Conversion Factor Method
Conversion Factor Method First find the units Then choose the factor from the table Then do the multiplication 16 X 2.54 = 40.64 cm Don’t forget your new unit or to round if necessary
Conversion Factor Method Don’t forget your new unit or to round if necessary
Conversion Factor Method Word Problems Find the units Choose the correct conversion factor Do the multiplication then round to hundredths = 7.48 in 19 X 0.3937=7.4803 DON’T FORGET THE NEW UNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conversion Factor Method What are the units? What conversion factor do I use? What is the answer to the multiplication problem? Don’t forget your new unit or to round if necessary
Conversion Factor Method What are the units? What conversion factor do I use? What is the answer to the multiplication problem? Don’t forget your new unit or to round if necessary