Human Perception Required Textbook: Foundations of Vision by Brian A. Wandell 1: Introduction
Overview Of Course Topics Encoding Image formation The photoreceptor mosaic Wavelength encoding Representation The retinal representation The cortical representation Pattern sensitivity Interpretation Color Motion and depth seeing 1.2
Encoding Retinal image, eye, light, optics, distortions, wavelength Imaging devices Standard for all levels 1.3
Representation Neural responses in peripheral and early visual systems Behavorial and computational Dualism-mind is separate from the body Descartes believed that the pineal body directed fluid from the ventricles into the holow fibers we call nerves-this induced muscle action. The pineal gland is where the soul controls the physical body Monism: the belief that the mind is the working of the body (no need for a separate soul. Determinism-the notion that mental states are produced by physical mechanisms. Reductionists-we break complex phenomena into less complicated sytems. 1.4
Interpretation Inferences Statistical regularities 1.5
Range of Material Theory: linear systems Data: empirical of vision Applications: basic/applied 1.6
Guide to the Principles of Perception Component of encoding Adaptation and flexibility Multiple streams Statistical inference 1.7