Welcome to Mrs. Walters’ Class
A Blueprint For Success… Honors Math Plus A Blueprint For Success… Mrs. Robbie Walters rwalters@wcpss.net (919) 570-5600
go ARMY !!!!! About Mrs. Walters G0 Pirates! Native to North Carolina Went to East Carolina University on a teaching scholarship and received a Bachelor of Science in Math Over 20 years of teaching high school Married with 3 children LOVES TEACHING go ARMY !!!!!
Goals… to MASTER the fundamentals of this course so as to set a good foundation for college-track mathematics courses To see how mathematics is useful for solving problems in real life
Math Sequence….4 credits needed 1st…..Math 1(math credit)- SHOULD HAVE THIS CREDIT! 2nd…..Math 2(Most will take either Honors or Academic Math 2 next semester) 3rd……Math 3 4th….. Advanced Functions, H. Pre-Calculus, or ECM would follow. ICM, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus AB and BC, and AP Statistics are additional courses. Colleges and Universities like for students to take a math every year.
Grading…HONORS MATH PLUS Major Assessments: 60% Tests….usually 1 per unit Minor Assessments: 30% Quizzes….at least 1 per unit HOMEWORK: 10% EVERY night! Must show ALL work using good format to get credit!!!
EXAM and Final Grade Final EXAM is a Teacher made Final Exam. 1st Quarter 40% 2nd Quarter 40% Final Exam 20%
HHS RETEST POLICY Retests will be given for every test except for the Final Exam. The retest grade will replace the original test grade but cannot exceed a 90. Format may be different. Students need to attend remediation before retest. Must take retest on the date set by teacher.
Quiz Replacement Quiz grades are replaced with the test grade if the grade on the original test is higher.
Extra Help Husky Help starts next week. I will be available most every Thursday after school from 2-25-3:30. I will also be available most every morning from 6:45-7:20 except Mondays. Students can also receive help at the Study Buddy Table in the cafeteria each day during all 3 lunches.
A Typical Day Do Warm-up –good review for upcoming assesments Go over Homework Questions Teach the new lesson Practice the new concepts Exit ticket
Materials… waltersmathclasses.weebly.com An Open Mind (Be positive) PENCILS Calculator(at least scientific) Notebook Homework (Completed!!) Calculator Graphic provided by www.engineersupply.com/catalog/ 10Expand.asp?ProductCode=ES1 waltersmathclasses.weebly.com
Walters’ Keys For Success… BE ACCOUNTABLE! Be On Time! Be Prepared! Seek Help!!! BE A TEAM PLAYER! HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE!
Final Key: Communication Power Parent: updated weekly Email: rwalters@wcpss.net Website: waltersmathclasses.weebly.com Remind 101 text@mathplus17 to 81010.
Questions or Comments? HAVE A GREAT NIGHT! Unless otherwise stated, clickart provided by MS Office