Welcome to Year 6 Together in God’s love, we care, trust and respect. … September 2018
Meet the team: Miss K Thorpe Mrs N Savage Mrs S Porter Mr S Taylor Mrs S Lea Mrs K Sandall
Learning for the year ½ termly overviews Autumn – Amazing Americas DT Bag Project Spring – It’s all Greek to Me Summer – Inspirational People DT Fairground Project Yr6 Residential
How will you know how your child is doing? Working Towards Standard – WTS Meeting Expected Standard – EXS Working at Greater Depth – GDS (writing only)
SPaG – Grammar paper/Spelling Test KT SATs – May 2019 Reading SPaG – Grammar paper/Spelling Test Maths – Arithmetic paper/Reasoning paper 1 and 2 Science? Writing – Teacher Assessment
Marking Over the course of the last year we have been trialing a variety of approaches with a particular emphasis on immediate feedback and marking during lessons. This is something we will be developing over this academic year and which we will share with pupils and parents in due course.
Communication with Parents Meet the teacher evening Parents Forum (date TBC) hosted by Mrs Jones, Mr Taylor and members of SLT. Mid year report to be sent home February 2019 End of year reports to be sent home July 2019. Open evenings for children to share their work with parents. Dates TBC. Parents Evenings in October (Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th October) and February In these meetings we will share your child’s progress both academically, socially and emotionally – however should we need to discuss any of these prior to these meetings we will make contact with you. Appointments If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office. If you require a separate / additional copy of a school report / mid year report – please let the office know and they can arrange it for you. Pupil Progress Discussions regarding your child’s progress can be held with the class teacher, at any point in the year at your request. Alternatively the class teacher may contact you regarding your child’s progress.
SP English Reading Writing Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Handwriting and Presentation Homework
KS Reading Roll of Honour
NS Maths Times Tables Mental arithmetic Reasoning Support at home Use of website – vocabulary and strategies booklet
Our Collective Worship Every day there is an act of collective worship. Monday – Whole School Assembly Tuesday – Whole School Singing Assembly Wednesday – KS1 Assembly Thursday – Year Group Assembly Friday – Whole School Assembly (Class) Prayers and Reflection Time held daily.
The School Charter: Always try your best Be caring, kind and helpful to others Look after everything at school Show good manners Stay safe Tell an adult if you are unhappy In every class there is a behaviour class board which displays the School Charter.
Attendance: Please let the office know by phone, letter or e-mail on the first day of absence if your child is going to be absent from school and the reason for absence. Please let us know by 9am Please be aware of the new national restrictions for leave of absence. 02380271178 adminoffice@st-francis-pri.hants.sch.uk
School Comms Can register at the school office. Really useful for keeping in touch particularly for urgent messages such as closure for poor weather etc Text alerts
Parent Helpers: We welcome any time you can spare to help in your child’s class or in another class if you prefer. Activities you may enjoy doing with the children include art, DT, reading…please speak to one of the teachers if you can spare the time. All adults in school undergo a DBS check before starting to help. To obtain DBS clearance, please complete the Volunteer Application Booklet available from the school office. This is to ensure our rigorous safeguarding policy and practices are maintained.
Homework Expectations Monday: English (due in Thurs) Tuesday: Mental Maths (due in Thurs) Wednesday: Reading (signed in diary) Thursday: Maths (due in Monday) Friday: Spellings (tested following Friday) Diaries in school every day and signed for a Friday Children have a… Green H/W book for English Yellow H/W book for Maths Mental Maths H/W booklet
Timetable NS Please note that the register is taken at 8:45 promptly, any child arriving after the register is closed is marked as an ‘unauthorised absence’ for that session – session is am or pm. Outdoor PE: Thursday Indoor PE: Wednesday (outside if the weather is good!) Library Time: Thursday
We are looking forward to a successful year. Thank you