Written and Illustrated by: R.J Palacio WONDER Written and Illustrated by: R.J Palacio Emily Bryan 5th grade
WONDER The setting in Wonder is mainly at a private school and August Pullman’s house.
August Pullman: August Pullman is a boy who has a deformed face. He has a sister named Via, a mom and dad named Mrs. Pullman and Mr. Pullman. He has a friend named Summer. Summer sits with August every day at school. August is very confident about himself.
August, Summer, and Via August is the main character of the story. Summer is Augusts friend and encourages him to be happy about himself. Via is his sister and she backs him up when he needs help and can’t defend himself.
August was getting bullied because of his deformed face. The problem was solved because he stayed confident and his friends stuck up for him. He was also very nice, respectful, and polite to his peers.
I rate this book 7 out of 7. I recommend this book for you because it was sad and awesome at the same time. August Pullman overcomes his fears of going to a regular school. It has a very good ending.