Mrs Watson, Mrs Jarman, Mrs Salmon, Mrs Moss and Mrs Gilford Welcome to... 6B Mrs Brewis Mrs Watson, Mrs Jarman, Mrs Salmon, Mrs Moss and Mrs Gilford
Objectives To inform you of the year 6 curriculum. To inform you of the expectations for children in year 6.
Routines 8.55am – school begins 3.15pm – school ends Contact with teachers
Sickness If your child has a ‘bug’, it is our school policy that they are kept at home for 48 hours after the last episode. General illness
P.E for 6B is Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) Uniform Full uniform to be worn at all times Hair must be tied back Summer uniform ends on 1st October Earrings should not be worn in school – children can not take part in PE if they wear earrings. Full PE kits should be in school Monday to Friday. This includes shorts, t-shirt, jumper, tracksuit bottoms and trainers. P.E for 6B is Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) EVERY item should be clearly named – even water bottles
English Daily English lessons in the morning. Big Write Handwriting Presentation Grammar
Spelling Spelling focus to be introduced every Monday which has been taken from the NC Spelling tests every Friday Dictations during the week Year 5 – 6 spelling list
Reading Regular reading in school with high level adult input Follow up homework each week – high standard is expected Comprehension sheets
Maths Daily maths lessons in the morning Mental maths focus to begin each lesson Reasoning and problem solving skills Times tables Arithmetic FAST maths
FAST Maths Weekly sessions in school on Tuesday– whole class activity – table activities – test Daily practice at home 2.5 minutes for test Folders must be returned on Tuesday Overview of topics
Times Tables All pupils need to be able to recall times table facts up to 12x12, division facts and use these for larger calculations Weekly worksheet FAST Maths
Homework English – set Wednesday, due Monday Mathletics –set Tuesday, due Tuesday Spelling – set Monday, due Friday FAST maths – set and completed Tuesday, due the following Tuesday Reading – will vary
Curriculum map Science – Light, Electricity, Living things in their Habitats, Animals and Evolution & Inheritance . History – World War II, Vikings & Anglo-Saxons and Mayans. Geography – UK National Parks, World & Meridians and Fieldwork. Art – Edward Munch, Mayan Art, Banksy.
French – Places around school, School subjects, Telling the time. R.E - Christianity and Buddhism
Computing E-safety = Gooseberry Planet Coding = Scratch, Purple Mash and Scottie Go! At home, please be aware of the websites your children are using and their age regulations.
Trips and visits Bowles – Autumn term Buddhist temple - Summer term Theatre trip - Summer term
Assessment Working towards expectations, working at expectations, working at greater depth Regular assessment – formal and informal SATs
Secondary Schools Visits – tours and open evenings Deadline is 31st October 2018
Our Aim For all children to be confident and happy learners who thrive in a positive environment and develop good relationships. If you have any problems throughout the year, please do not hesitate to come and see us. Social media
Are there any questions?