Supported in part by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and the Office of the Arkansas Drug Director and in partnership with the Arkansas Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the Arkansas Medical Society (AMS), the Arkansas State Medical Board (ASMB), the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) and its Division of Substance Misuse and Injury Prevention (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program—PDMP) Continuing Education Credit: TEXT: 501-406-0076 Event ID:25875-24581
(High Quality) Smartphone Applications for Pain Self-Management Michael A. Cucciare, PhD Psychologist, Women’s Mental Health Program University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Text MICHAELCUCCI335 to 22333 join
Today’s Goals Describe the importance of pain self-management in improving pain outcomes Present the ways smartphone applications (apps) can help patients self-manage pain Present examples of high quality smartphone apps for pain self-management
Importance of Pain Self-Management Evidence-based mental health interventions are helpful but vast majority of chronic pain patients fail to receive them Strong evidence exists for pain self-management – improved pain symptoms and disability Integration into clinical practice is slow Most patients don’t receive education needed to promote pain self-management
Smartphone Apps Can Help Help patients take an active role in managing their pain (at their convenience) Real time access to: Coping strategies Self-monitoring of pain and functioning Setting of achievable goals related to pain Developing a tailored self-management plan based on goals
Smartphone Apps for Pain There are over 100 pain-related apps available for download on personal mobile devices (most for Iphone) Primary app functions include: education self-monitoring skills training (e.g., improving sleep and mood; reducing stress)
Pain Medicine Review (2014) Searched for apps that were focused on broad pain management (not individual forms of pain or specific conditions) Apps needed to allow people to record pain episodes, record pain at any location, save their records, be available in English Identified 12 apps
Examples of High Quality Smartphone Apps Clinical - details of pain, associated symptoms, timing, exacerbating and relieving factors, reports for doctor Interface - logical layout, ease of reading and legibility Usability - navigation, accessibility, security, and interactivity Taken from Reynoldson et al. (2014) Assessing the quality and usability of smartphone apps for pain self-management. Pain Medicine, 15, 898-909.
My Pain Diary (Apple) -
Track and Share (Apple) -Health -Mood -Sleep -Food -Gratitude diary -Relationships among factors
Manage My Pain (Android)
Take Away Smartphone apps can help patients with various aspects of pain self-management Can help facilitate patient-provider conversations about pain Assess impact of different treatments High quality apps available on the market for Apple and Android
Questions about the Topic Continuing Education Credit: TEXT: 501-406-0076 Event ID: 25875-24581
Case Conference and Feedback Continuing Education Credit: TEXT: 501-406-0076 Event ID: 25875-24581