Creek and Cherokee
Cherokee Language cherokee
Creek/ Cherokee
Creek Language Muskogee, or Creek, is a Muskogean language of the American Southeast, related to other Southeastern languages like Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Koasati. The language has been in decline, but some young people are working to keep their ancestral language alive. Like other Muskogean languages, Muskogee Creek is a language with morphologically complex verbs and SOV word order.
As you review the next slides take note of the way the men are dressed.
Cherokee warrior Sequoyah (George Gist) created syllabary Cherokee Phoenix Publisher Elias Boudinot Chief John Ross Cherokee chief
Great King (called Ben Perryman), Chief of the Creek (Muskogee) tribe Chief Alexander McGillivray Creek chief Chief William McIntosh Creek chief Cherokee-Dress
Creek The American settlers brought new ideas and strong, sharp tools that replaced the stone axes and in the 1800's some of the Creeks began to build American-style log cabins.
Cherokee building in New Echota. Vann’s Tavern Cherokee Capital building 1825: choosing to fight to remain on their land. They fought not with guns, but with the white man's printed page, laws and courts.
THE CREEK INDIANS The Creek war town was Coweta The Creek peace town was called Cusseta Those who wanted war were called Red Sticks Those Indians who wanted peace were called White Sticks Creek Chief William McIntosh signed the Treaty of Indian Springs. This treaty made the Creeks turn over all their land! Angry Creeks murdered Chief McIntosh for signing the treaty.
Cherokee government Both men and women were involved Civil & war councils Later imitate US system of government The Cherokee tradition involves participation in rituals and celebrations at a young age.
Cherokee Families Children belong to the mother’s clan Seven clans per tribe Could not marry within your own clan
Cherokee Religion Supreme being called YOWA Sacred objects such as quartz and eagles Sacred number was seven Believed in life after death
Cherokee 7’s important festivals women in the council clans in their tribe sided council building towns served as clan headquarters Children per household
CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE CHEROKEES Sequoyah invented the written syllabary First Native American Newspaper…The Phoenix First Native American to imitate U.S. form of government Set up their national capital in New Echota
Yazoo land Fraud