European Revolutions Finish Documentary Poster assignment


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Presentation transcript:

European Revolutions Finish Documentary Poster assignment Enduring Understandings The collision of social unrest and new political ideas can lead to revolution. Nationalism can act as both a unifying and divisive force. Questions What new ideas moved to the rest of Europe that helped to fuel their revolutions for political change? How did nationalism play a role in these revolutions. Agenda Finish Documentary Poster assignment Complete p #22 Answer questions 1 and 2 above Why is the French Revolution often called the most important event in the 18th and 19th Centuries? Use evidence from Napoleon, the independence and European political revolutions to support your answer European Revolutions

To the Latin American revolutions in the 19th century Research revolutions today – produce a brief powerpoint to illustrate the comparisons to the 19th century Latin American Revolutions Tunisia Egypt Bahrain Morocco Libya Algeria Compare the: Participants Methods Reasons Gov’t reaction Results To the Latin American revolutions in the 19th century

1. French citizens’ armies win their revolution for liberty and equality Results, outcomes, consequences: Rest of Europe begins to buy into French Revolutionary ideas about: Equality, Liberty Popular sovereignty Sees success of mass action to achieve goals

2. Greeks revolt against Ottoman Empire Results, outcomes, consequences: Europeans feel a kinship with Greeks because of the connection (by way of renaissance) to ancient Greek culture. Russian feel kinship with Greeks due to Eastern Orthodox religion European militaries assist Greek independence movement by defeating Ottoman navy. Greeks win their independence from Ottomans (conflict still exists today on Cyprus)

3. Nationalist groups in Budapest, Prague and Vienna demand independence and self-government Results, outcomes, consequences: Vienna riots forced resignation of Metternich in Austria Liberal government is demanded by radicals but they cannot unify Conservative backlash against radicals results in the failure of the revolutions.

4. Charles X tries to set up absolute monarchy in France. Results, outcomes, consequences: After Louis XVIII (18th) Charles X overextends himself and riots break out forcing him to flee, ending the idea of absolutism in France (sorta) Louis-Philippe becomes king of a constitutional monarchy Implements some liberal reforms and rules for 18 years. Becomes increasingly conservative, reacting violently to concerns of the working class hit hard by 1846-47 recession

5. Paris mobs overthrow monarchy of Louis-Philippe. Results, outcomes, consequences: First, led to radical-led 2nd Republic 2nd Republic fails within 4 years because the radicals begin to disagree. Radical disagreements end in open bloodshed People react to instability and chaos by supporting conservatives Who promote and then elect Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte

6. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte is elected president of France and later assumes title of Emperor Napoleon III Results, outcomes, consequences: Prosperity and peace occurs under the strong centralized, but enlightened control of Napoleon III Reform plans include: Building bridges and roads Railroads Schools And promoted industrialization

7. Nicholas I threatens to take over part of the Ottoman Empire during Crimean War Results, outcomes, consequences: Russia is defeated due to lack of industrialization and transportation capabilities Alexander II (who succeeds Nicholas as Czar) plans to rapidly modernize and industrialize

8. Alexander II issues the Edict of Emancipation Results, outcomes, consequences: Serfdom technically ends in Russia Serf no are no longer legally tied to the land. Peasant communities now own the land. BUT… Peasants have to work to pay off the land, by paying the Czar. Essentially they are tied to the land through debt.