Chapter 26 Part 2
59’ers Colorado and Nevada Gold Rush Allowed for payment of specie payment in 1879
Women’s voting Wyoming (1869) Followed by Utah (1870), Colorado (1893), and Idaho (1896)
Homestead act 1862 Cheap land with commitment to live on and improve it over 5 year period. Land not good for farming
Fading Frontier Fredrick Jackson Turner: No more frontier line Significance of the Frontier in Am. History Democracy and Innovation in moving west No more frontier line
Farmers Woes Floods & Drought Low selling of product high purchase of manufactured goods Grangers Led by Oliver Kelley Enhance lives of isolated farmers
Populists Formed out of the Farmers Alliance Nationalize railroads and telephones Graduated income tax Free and unlimited coinage of silver
Election of 1896 Republican: McKinley Democrat: William Jennings Bryan Gold standard Government Aid of business East Democrat: William Jennings Bryan “Cross of Gold Speech” Silver standard (inflation) South and West