vacillate: verb Definition: to waver between two different opinions or actions
vacillate pronunciation: vas-uh-leyt
vacillate Related forms: noun vacillation vacillator
vacillate synonyms: fluctuate waver equivocate waffle
vacillate antonyms: remain stay continue
vacillate The decision weighed heavily on them causing them to vacillate.
vacillate It’s not fair to vacillate between two different women.
vacillate The young girl vacillated when she considered the career path she would follow.
vacillation Vacillation among similar choices can waste time.
vacillation Excessive vacillation caused the shopper to spend an inordinate amount of time in the store.
vacillator Vacillators can become overwhelmed by their perceived choices.
vacillator A vacillator by nature, the graduate was befuddled by his choices.