Sign Up For Remind Now Using or Phones: Enter this #: 81010 Text this message: @967h36 Class Name: Science2018-2019 Enter your real name, not nickname Parents encouraged to join!
For announcements, reminders, etc. Ask a question, etc. and get an answer. Not a chat program! For safety and security, all messaging is cloud-based-recorded. Parents encouraged to join!
Each TEACHER has authority to set classroom cell phone policy. CELL PHONES POLICY According to County policy, Written also in EHS handbooks, Backed by administration: Each TEACHER has authority to set classroom cell phone policy.
MY CELL PHONES POLICY Turn off your phone AND put it away in the pocket holder. Every day when you come in to class. IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT WAIT for me to tell you. DO NOT hang onto it.
MY CELL PHONES POLICY If needed, you’ll be able to get them… MY CELL PHONES POLICY If needed, you’ll be able to get them… To be used ONLY AS DIRECTED AND ALLOWED. Routine contact with parents goes through the main office, not your phone. Emergency circumstances – ask me
IF YOU VIOLATE CELL PHONES POLICY IF YOU VIOLATE CELL PHONES POLICY 1st Offense – Phone confiscated 2nd Offense – Phone goes to office, held for 10 days first time with them. More Offenses – To office, more hold time
Parents have to work with office to get it back. Parents have to work with office to get it back.
You don’t need a cell phone to do well in this class! You don’t need a cell phone to do well in this class!
Wrap-Up Remember: Procedures and Rules are to help YOU Wrap-Up Remember: Procedures and Rules are to help YOU I have high expectations of you! Everything we cover this year - it's all do-able and learn-able. I believe each and every one of you has great potential to succeed. You can succeed in class - and have a great year - if you make the right choices and do the work you are responsible for. * You are starting this year with a clean slate!