THE APPLICATION FORM Tips for completion ! THE PARENT/CARER SECTION PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE PROVIDED ALL THE EVIDENCE WE REQUIRE TO ASSESS YOUR APPLICATION. Bank statements are NOT accepted as evidence All documents are returned - photocopies will not be made If this section is not completed correctly the application will be returned to you which will delay your payments THE STUDENT SECTION Complete the front section including your student number (BEGINS S1 …) and Tutor Gp code Remember to sign and date the form !
VULNERABLE STUDENT BURSARY Vulnerable Student Bursary : is a sum of £1500 per year and is available ONLY for 16-19 year old students who are in one or more of the following categories: Pupils who are in or have recently left authority care Are in receipt of income support or Universal Credit Getting Employment Support Allowance (ESA) AND Disability Living Allowance (DLA or PIP)
DISCRETIONARY BURSARY PRIORITY 1 If your household income is less than £16,190 per year you are entitled to: Meals: Breakfast – orange (£1.50) and Lunch Tokens - green (£3.00) to be redeemed in the college canteen or college shops. Books and Equipment: the cost of any stationery, books, equipment and materials for your courses. Receipts MUST be supplied for any claim made. Max £75 per year for books and £30 for equipment Transport Costs: cheapest fare to and from college. Trips: assistance with the cost of any trips directly connected to your subjects. Your teacher must sign to confirm attendance. Interviews and Open Days: tickets MUST be purchased by the student and a claim made for re-imbursement – receipts MUST be provided. Up to a maximum of £75 towards costs
DISCRETIONARY BURSARY PRIORITY 2 - Those students who have urgent financial need, have no access to other funds and have a short term need for help with education costs. PRIORITY 3 - If your household income is between £16,190 - £20,817 per year you are entitled to all of the above with exception of free meals. PRIORITY 4 - If your household income is between £20,817 - £25,521 per year you are entitled to support with travel costs ONLY.
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOUR ARE ELIGIBLE You make claims by filling in a CLAIM FORM, available from the Student Services Office. You MUST fill in a new claim form at the beginning of each half-term for travel costs. You must live more than 3 miles away from college to be eligible to claim for travel costs . ONE BUS TICKET must be attached to your first claim. For all other claims collect a form as required and attach receipts !! HAND INTO OFFICE AND AWAIT AN EMAIL FROM FINANCE (COLLEGE EMAIL) – FOR PAYMENT WARNING - STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO MEET THE ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT FOR ALL SUBJECTS OR WHO HAVE DISCIPLINARY WARNINGS, MAY HAVE THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT WITHDRAWN.