Policy –Priorities-Planning-Rural/Urban Targets Finalize the National Sanitation Policy. (Oct 2009, M/ WS&D) National Plan- Translate Policy in to action Components-Institutionalized Roadmap for SACOSAN Activities lead up to the SACOSAN conference Urban and Rural sanitation- in progress to achieve MDG by 2015 Pilot Projects & Demonstration plots Ecosan toilets, constructed wetlands, RWH,Biogas, HWWTS.(one year from now there’ll be showcase projects, M/Health,NWS&DB,NGO’s) Capacity building of Local authorities. (-do-) Green School concept through school health clubs. (M/Education, MENR) Recognition of contributions by local authorities, schools and government Institutions (M/ PC&LG, Health, WS&D,Education) Implement a demonstration CLTS (Community led Total Sanitation) in a selected village(NGO’s and partners)
Regional cooperation Networking and share/exchange experience and expertise among SACOSAN member countries. Introduce functions to the focal institution for extending regional cooperation beyond SACOSAN. Regional Cooperation for climate change adaptability and mitigation. Develop linkages among SACOSAN member countries. Agree on national indicators accepted for regional countries Develop an interagency model.( Ministries of WS&D, MOE, MoH, MENR, Agriculture, Energy and NWSDB,UDA,LA Contribute to development of materials to meet regional standards for promotion of ECOSAN Adopt BCC strategies for Eco-San
Networking International/National/Sub-National Academics, Researches,GO’s and NGO’s and the Civil society. Networking for innovative technologies. Networking for MFI for rural sanitation Private sector involvement as sanitation is a bussiness.
Sanitation Systems, Sustainability and Agro reuse
Stakeholder Involvement-choice of Technology
Project Identification
Financing of software and hardware
Media Campaign A media plan going upto SACOSAN Points to be highlighted through the media campaign Improper discharge and environmental issues School sanitation Promoting ecosan options and highlighting benefits (Agricultural, Hygiene). TV and Radio interviews
Capacity Building
Monitoring of the Results