State consolidation & Imperial expansion A closer look @ France, Russia & England
Rulers used a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power. Rulers used the arts to display power Rulers continued to use religion as legitimacy Differential treatment of some groups Recruitment of military professionals
Cardinal Richelieu ~ France Political Testament – power is based on revenue (so money = power, go figure) “Raison d’etat” – what is done for the State is done for God
France – Cardinal Richelieu Increase the power of the King Make France the strongest country Destroyed the noble's castles Transferred their authority to govt. officials Levied taxes without consent of Estates - General Led France into the 30 Years War where he joined with Protestant Sweden to fight against the Catholic Hapsburgs.
LOUIS XIV “I am the state” “One King, One Law, One Religion” “Who said I don’t have the best legs!”
Louis XIV Created the most lavish court in Europe complete with formal etiquette and ritual Promoted economy by strengthening infrastructure and using protective tariffs. Revoked the Edict of Nantes Ambitious in foreign affairs, even had his grandson placed on the throne of Spain (allowed by the Treaty of Utrecht)
Peter the Great Sought to modernize and westernize Russia Window to the Sea New Capital City Transform the people Brought Church under his complete control Strengthened serfdom to maintain a stable labor supply
Who looks more European?
Boyars Russian nobles
He introduced western ideas to Russia and forced them to do away with their traditional dress for western styles. He also made them shave their beards.
FYI – Peter's Weird Obsessions 1710 - Summoned all the Russian Dwarfs and Midgets to St. Petersburg, where he built them a snow village. Peter loved midgets because he was so much taller than them. He often put midgets in pies and let them jump out to entertain people.
He loved oddities - kept jars of teeth he personally pulled. He opened a Museum of Curiosities which was kept by a deformed dwarf who would one day himself be pickled. - man without genitals - child w/ 2 heads - organs of a hermaphrodite - pickled phallus - he threatened to cut off his wife’s head if she didn’t kiss it. - preserved remains of babies born deformed - skeleton of an 8 foot tall giant
England The anti-absolute state…
Henry VIII Became head of the Church of England He followed the 3 necessities of absolutism Reduce power of nobility Acquire wealth Limit the power of the church
The Stewart Debacle James I Charles I Tried to create an absolute monarchy and refused to work with Parliament Constantly clashed with them over taxes Constantly needed $ Parliament forced him to sign the “Petition of Right” Person cannot be imprisoned w/out just cause Parliament must approve any tax increases
James I “Monarchie… the supremest thing on earth: for Kings are not only GOD’s Lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon throne, but even by God himself they are called Gods.”
Roundheads vs. Cavaliers 1ST European King to be executed English Civil War (1642-1651) Roundheads vs. Cavaliers 1ST European King to be executed Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell When things went bad for Cavaliers, Charles I wrote to foreign kings asking them to invade TREASON!!!
OMG life stunk under Cromwell Restoration - 1660 Glorious Revolution - 1688 Parliament asked Charles II to return the Stewarts to the throne No heir so the throne passed after him to his Catholic brother James II James II didn’t fit in (wouldn’t work w/ Parliament & was Catholic) William & Mary arrive They sign the “English Bill of Rights” which makes Parliament supreme