Fish Passage Taskgroup Coordinator - Jim Thompson, MD DNR 2007 Maryland Fish Passage Projects Fish Passage Taskgroup Coordinator - Jim Thompson, MD DNR Raven Rock Dam Removal Watershed: Potomac River Stream: Raven Rock Creek, Tributary to Antietam Creek County: Washington County Location: Near Hagerstown Ownership: City of Hagerstown DPW Structure Type: Cement/mortar Dam Miles Reopened: 2 miles Target Species: Brook Trout & Resident Species Partners: USFWS, City of Hagerstown, CBP, Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Total cost: $100,000 Pittsburgh Plate & Glass Dam Removal Watershed: Potomac River Stream: Potomac River County: Allegany County Location: Near Cumberland Ownership: Allegany County Structure Type: Low Head Rubble Dam Miles Reopened: 8.5 miles Target Species: Resident & American Eel Partners: Maryland DNR Waterways, American Rivers Total Cost: $60,000
Fish Passage Taskgroup Coordinator – David Kristine, PA Fish and Boat 2007 Pennsylvania Fish Passage Projects Fish Passage Taskgroup Coordinator – David Kristine, PA Fish and Boat Swatara Creek Dam Removal Watershed: Susquehanna River County: Dauphin County Location: Middletown, PA Ownership: Private Landowner Structure Type: Run of river dam Miles Reopened: 23 miles Target Species: American Shad, American Eels, Blueback herring, Alewife Total cost: $100,000 Pequea Creek Dam Removal Watershed: Susquehanna River County: Lancaster County Location: Paradise, PA Ownership: Private Landowner Structure Type: Run of river dam Miles Reopened: 2.2 miles Target Species: American Shad, American Eels, Blueback herring, Alewife Total Cost: $43,000
Fish Passage Taskgroup Coordinator – Alan Weaver, VDGIF 2007 Virginia Fish Passage Projects Fish Passage Taskgroup Coordinator – Alan Weaver, VDGIF Woolen Mills Dam Removal Watershed: James River River: Rivanna River County: Albemarle County Location: Charlottesville, VA Ownership: Private Landowner Structure Type: Stone block Miles Reopened: 16.5 miles Target Species: American Shad, America Eel, resident species Total cost: $250,000 Quinn Dam Removal Watershed: James River River: Tye River County: Amherst County Location: Amherst, VA Ownership: Private Landowner Structure Type: Concrete/Rubble Miles Reopened: 38.2 miles Target Species: American Shad, America Eel, resident species Total Cost: $25,000