Warm Up: Find your article that says “Section 2: Public Opinion” (we read this last Wednesday). Open up to the second page: Section 4: Media Begin a new section in your notes titled “Media Bias” 10/22/13 You have 90 seconds to do this.
Close Reading Read only the last three pages of your packet Read and annotate the text Number paragraphs Circle key terms – No more than 5 per chunk Chunk as you go to group paragraphs of similar content Left column is a one sentence summary per chunk Right column is a question per chunk (could be confusion or higher-level)
What is it and how does it shape perspective? I will define media bias and analyze its impact on public opinion. Bias in the Media What is it and how does it shape perspective?
What is Bias? Bias: a particular tendency or inclination- especially one that does not show a fair, unprejudiced view of someone or something; prejudice. Can be based from: Experience Knowledge Religion background
Bias in the media What is media? Media: communication such as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines that reach or influence people widely Think-Pair-Share: What is the responsibility of the media? Responsibilities: 1)watchdog over gov’t 2) setting public agenda 3) supporting free exchange of opinions and ideas **Media Bias: When the media presents a prejudiced view of someone or something.
How does Newsweek portray (show) Romney? Obama?
Warm Up: 10/23/13 1. What is media bias? 2. 5 sentences: Why is knowing how to detect media bias important?
You mean the news lies to us?! Ignoring: negative traits/actions of a candidate they prefer positive traits/actions of the candidate they don’t like Focusing on: Positive traits/actions of the candidate they prefer Negative traits/actions of the candidate they don’t like How the media shows bias: Flattering or unflattering pictures, facts, tone, emotion, etc. How could emotion of a newscaster affect the way the audience perceives the information?
Important to know Typically: Republican=conservative=small government Democrat=liberal=big government
Wall Street Journal on Romney GOP über-strategist Karl Rove predicted in his regular Wall Street Journal column that Mitt Romney will cruise to victory next week. “Sometime after the cock crows on the morning of Nov. 7, Mitt Romney will be declared America’s 45th president. Let’s call it 51%- 48%, with Mr. Romney carrying at least 279 Electoral College votes, probably more,” Rove wrote. Rove echoed the sentiment last night in an appearance on Bill O’Reilly’s show on Fox News, another media enterprise owned by News Corp. and Rupert Murdoch. “This is a disaster for team Chicago,” Rove said of some recent poll numbers, referring to Obama’s headquarters.
The New York Times on Romney: Is Romney Unraveling? Time is running out for Mitt Romney. According to the latest polls, the most likely outcome of Tuesday’s election is that Romney will lose. If he does, it will likely be a bitter pill to swallow. He would have come so close only to have fate and circumstances step in at the final hour and give President Obama a boost. How is Romney losing it? Let us count the ways:
Comparing the two What differences did you notice that may show bias or appeal to others’ biases? What do you think would be the difference between a California newspaper and Georgia newspaper?
What do you notice about this headline?
What do you notice about this headline? How does experience, background, knowledge, and religion affect the way the two newspapers present information?
Implications of Media Bias Information is left out; people aren’t fully informed Failure to see others’ perspectives or get others’ ideas and facts Unable to become “fair-minded” thinkers, unless they are critical of the information and its source Failure to see the problems within their own ideas or beliefs Voters can be misled (due to lack of info), which can change elections Think-Pair-Share: Why is it important to know about media bias and its implications?
DOL: How do Doc A and Doc B show bias. What are their biases DOL: How do Doc A and Doc B show bias? What are their biases? Use your analysis sheet.
DOL Define Media Bias In a 7 sentence constructed response, explain the impact of media bias on shaping public opinion
Warm Up: 10/28 1. Identify 3 forms of media. 2. How does the media present bias? Identify at least 4 ways the media can present information in a biased way
Review: From the notes Friday What are two associations we listed for “republicans” Conservative; small-government Two associations for “democrats.” Liberal; big-government What are four ways the media shows bias? Flattering or unflattering pictures, facts, tone, emotion, etc.
Current Event: Obamacare MSNBC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYsxpwv7hjo Fox News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fy1YqGSdsw Questions Explain how each of the videos could be considered biased. Which News company supports the Republican Party? Which Supports the Democratic Party?
Jon Stewart talks to Fox about media bias Predict: Would news outlets admit to media bias? Thumbs up, Thumbs down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VowsUchdEIY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GR2AU8T9RI& feature=fvsr
How does this look on television? Coverage of the same controversy by Fox News and CNN. Take Notice: How were their discussions different? Why do you think this is? What are the implications of this?
Political Quiz
Fox News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DBw3Eixt8M Reactions? Whiteboard: What facts did the anchors use to explain Romney’s comments? What emotions did you notice?
CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKDoZMS4kDg Reactions? Whiteboard: What facts did the anchors use to explain Romney’s comments? What emotional words/tone did you notice? What information was left out?
“Redistribution” What were the redistribution ads trying to accomplish? How does liberal media interpret Obama’s comments?
DOL 7-9 sentences: What is media bias? How does the media present bias and how might this effect the public? Provide examples.
Folder Quiz 1. According to the notes on 9/25: Purpose of religion, what are 2 questions that religion answers? 2. What was your answer for #2 on the Warm up on 10/15 over fallacies? 3. What was your answer to #3 on the warm up on 1016? 4. We completed a DOL in our notes on 10/23. Summarize your answer 5. You should have summarized the videos on 10/23 or 10/28. What news station was video 1 and how did it show bias?