THE QUESTION The last question is going to test that you have understood BOTH of the passages. The question will ask you to consider the passage as a whole and you may be asked to summarise what the passage is about. You should provide quotations to back up your points and explain them. It is also best to do this in bullet point format where possible - this will help you stick to the point and not 'waffle‘.
How to answer the question. You can answer this question in continuous prose (full sentences) or in a series of developed bullet points – bullet points will save time and are a clearer way of setting out your answer. It will be worth at least 5/6 marks so make sure you read the passage again and highlight the main points the passage makes as you read it. Be sure of what you are being asked to identify: it could be similarities or differences or both. Or, it could be the advantages/disadvantages of something.
List your bullet points in the appropriate column ANSWERING If the question asks for both things then it may be a good idea to lay your answer out like this: Article 1 Article 2 List your bullet points in the appropriate column
for about 3-4 points of comparison. Example Layout Point of Comparison Article 2’s point of view Quote Explanation and reference to the question. Article 1’s point of view Quote Explanation and reference to the question. You should do this for about 3-4 points of comparison. Task Read the two Gatsby articles. Using the above formula, answer the following question: Which article do you find more convincing? Justify your answer with close reference to both passages.