EVPP 110 Diversity of Life: Activities 2, 5, 6, 10, 11 Week of October 15th 2018 Ver 1.1. Last update 10/5/2018 4:53:09 PM
Activity 2 – Bacteria in Soil – Set Up Diversity of Life - Activity 2 – Bacteria in Soil – Set Up
Obtain two Petri dishes containing nutrient agar. Handle dishes carefully to minimize contamination: Leave lids on until just before applying treatment, open minimally during inoculation and return lids immediately afterward. Do not put agar anywhere except for the treatment areas.
Figure 2.1. Markings and treatment labels for bottom of nutrient agar Petri dish #1. control Using permanent marker, label bottom halves of the Petri dishes (keep lids on throughout process): Identification labels. Lab section # Group # Petri dish # (#1 or #2). Treatment labels. dirt rinse Figure 2.2. Markings and treatment labels for bottom of nutrient agar Petri dish #2. control soap 1 soap 2
NOTE: Do not touch control section of each dish (labeled “con.”) Treat index finger by inserting it into the small plastic bag containing soil from your quadrat and moving it around. Petri dish #1: Lift lid just enough to insert treated finger and touch it lightly to agar in section labeled “dirty.” Immediately close Petri dish when done. Gently rinse the soil from treated finger using only tap water, NO soap. Gently pat rinsed finger dry with a paper towel (do not rub). Lift lid of Petri dish and touch treated finger to section labeled “rinse.” Immediately close Petri dish when done. DO NOT use parafilm to seal the Petri dish.
Wash hands with soap and water, gently pat dry. Get Petri dish #2. Lift lid just enough to insert treated finger and touch it lightly to the agar in the pie-shaped section labeled “soap 1.” Close the Petri dish immediately when done. Wash hands again with soap and water and gently pat dry. Lift the lid of Petri dish #2 and touch the treated finger to the pie-shaped section labeled “soap 2.” Close the Petri dish immediately when done. DO NOT seal the Petri dish by applying a strip of parafilm.
Activity 5 – Leaf Litter Organisms Diversity of Life – Activity 5 – Leaf Litter Organisms
Empty leaf litter in the funnel to the trash. Pour contents of plastic container into one or more petri dishes Use wash bottle containing alcohol to rinse debris from plastic container into petri dish. Place petri dish under dissecting microscope. Use teasing needle to scrape all debris into a pile on one side of dish, then scrape a small amount into view. Identify and count organisms.
Absolute Abundance (ni) Relative abundance (pi) Table 5.2. Absolute and relative abundance by organism type for leaf little sample for individual lab group Organism type (i) Absolute Abundance (ni) Relative abundance (pi) i = N = Σ pi = 1.00 i = # of “species”; ni = # of individuals of one species; N = total individuals in sample; pi = ni/N Identify each organism. Record absolute and relative abundance in Table 5.2.
Ds = 1 – ((Σni(ni-1))/(N(N-1))) Table 5.3. Simpson’s Diversity Index for leaf littler samples by group Group #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Simpson's Diversity Index: Calculate diversity index and record for each group. Ds = 1 – ((Σni(ni-1))/(N(N-1)))
Activity 6 – Microscopic Fungi – Set Up Diversity of Life – Activity 6 – Microscopic Fungi – Set Up
Microscopic fungi Important decomposers in most ecosystems. Reproduce via spores too small to see with unaided eye, yet present on almost every surface. Inoculating petri dishes with fungal spores will enable you to see the fungi after they grow on the petri dish.
Get two Petri dishes with starch agar. Handle Petri dishes carefully to minimize contamination.
Before going to the field: control loc 1 loc 2 control loc 3 loc 4 Figures 6.1 and 6.2. Markings and treatment labels for bottom of starch agar Petri dishes #1 and #2. Before going to the field: Use marker to label bottom Petri dishes (keep lids on). Include Lab section #, Group # and Petri dish # (1 or 2). Draw lines that divide Petri dish into 3 pie-shaped sections and label sections.
Sampling microscopic fungi Select 4 different surfaces from 4 locations in your quadrat. Use separate sterile cotton swab for each surface. Only remove one swab at a time to maintain sterility. After swabbing surface, touch cotton tip to agar in appropriate area of petri dish. DO NOT seal each Petri Dish with parafilm.
Table 6.1. Descriptions of four microscopic fungi sampling locations and surfaces Description of: Location # Location Surface 1 2 3 4 Mark you four sampling locations on the map of your quadrat. Record location and surface type for each of your four samples.
Activity 10 – Macroscopic Fungi Diversity of Life - Activity 10 – Macroscopic Fungi
Photo © Rachel Silarszka. Macroscopic Fungi Photo © Rachel Silarszka.
Fungi Identification Go to the Key to major groups of Mushrooms. Identify using the following categories: Mushrooms or toadstools. Bracket or shelf. Puffball. Jelly.
Identify each type of fungus. Specimen #1 Specimen #2 Source: Provided Source: Description: Beige stalk and top Description: Identification: Mushroom Identification: Sketch: Specimen #3 Specimen #4 Identify each type of fungus. Record source, description, identification and sketch four macroscopic fungi. Table 10.1. Source, description, identification and sketch of four macroscopic fungi.
Diversity of Life – Activity 11 – Protists What is a protist?
Mostly unicellular organisms. Many are producers. Important to ecosystems. Some participate in beneficial symbiotic relations, e.g. lichens.
“Protist” samples have been provided for you. Table 11.1 Specimen #1 Specimen #2 Source: Provided Source: Description: Oblong with short hairs around edges Description: Identification: Paramecium Identification: Sketch: “Protist” samples have been provided for you. Record source, description, identification and sketch two “protists”.
Weekly Data Sheet pages What’s Due Weekly Data Sheet pages Weekly Write-Up pages Activity 2 135 Activity 5 153 157-158 Activity 6 161 165 Activity 10 187 191-192 Activity 11 195 199-200 PowerPoint available at: https://eeltown.org/evpp-110